Inventory 1.17.0 Release Notes

Inventory 1.17.0 Release Notes


May 20, 2022 


Getting issues...


This release of the SSDT Inventory application contains the following bug fixes and improvements as detailed below.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected a problem with the importer when converting values to enum values for the fields below.  The importer would not properly set the values and the fields would import as null if the fields were not included in the CSV file.

    • Items

      • lease payment period

      • depreciation method

      • item status

    • Category Codes

      • insurance class

  • Recent Item grid filtering changes broke the item combo box used in Transfers.  This prevented creating transfer transactions.  The item dropdown has been corrected and the ability to post transfers has been restored.

Technical Changes for ITC Staff:


  • Implemented an environment variable to assist with resetting the password on the admin user account if it has been forgotten.  The variable name is applicationAdminReset and it should be set to TRUE in the ssdt-inventory-app.properties file.  It does not matter where in the properties file you include this new variable.  An example is available in the Inventory Installation and Migration Guide.  The application container must be recreated after this property is set to true by using the /ssdt/prod/update-inventory-app.sh script.  If this property is defined in the ssdt-inventory-app.properties file and the script is run, the admin user account password will be reset to the value defined in the "adminPassword" variable defined in the ssdt-inventory-shared.properties file.  Please note, recreating the container will cause the application to be unresponsive and no one will be able to access the application until the container is fully started. 

  • Note:  Any time the application is restarted the following values on the admin user account will be cleared: Account Expiration, Locked, Enabled, External Authentication.  This is to prevent rendering the admin account unusable.

  • Note:  If you need the admin account "unlocked" or "enabled", that is a different solution.  The application simply needs to be restarted in these cases,  The admin account can become locked if the current system date is later than the expiration date on the user account.  The admin account can become disabled via the flag on the user account. 

All updates for this release

key summary type status resolution