10-23-2019 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article

      • Topics for today's meeting:

        • Suggestions for upcoming newsletter articles?  Any suggestions on what should be covered?  Volunteers to write articles?

        • Hiring Additional Support Person

        • Other suggestions?


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • Topics for today's meeting

      • USXS-R manuals




        • Changes in Appendix 

        • What is missing in the USPS-R & USAS-R manuals

          • Is the Navigation manual useful or should we merge pieces of this into the user manual?

          • Improve 'reports' chapter in the USXS-R manuals.. do we need to add more detail?

          • FAQ section?  Do you feel it would be useful to have a 'Useful Procedures" section in both manuals?

        • Other Suggestions?


  • UAT has completed a recording for AOS.. waiting to hear back from them before posting to the SSDT YouTube channel

  • ITCs: Added additional Fridays with Fiscal sessions through end of calendar year

  • ITC training late winter/early spring

  • ITCs: Reminder of shared links for ITC Staff

  • OASBO session submitted

  • Reports training (most effective way to train end-users)... thoughts?

Next SDT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29th at 9:30.