

The Agency data is equivalent to the district level information.  Included in this information are the following:

  • District Name

  • District Type

  • Status

  • District contact information

  • County where district resides 

  • Hierarchy Agency

  • Service provider (ITC)

Only the contact information for an Agency can be changed within this application.  The other elements are populated from the district OEDS data.

To access the Agency data, click on the Agencies link from the navigation bar.  All entities will appear in the summary list. 

Agency List


Columns in the grid whose headings are blue and contain  are sortable.  The column heading acts as a toggle allowing the data to be sorted in ascending or descending order by repeatedly clicking on the column heading.

Specific agencies may be located by entering criteria in the query fields at the top and then clicking on the Find button. 

Selecting the Clear link resets the query filters to empty/default values.

If your user account has edit access to the agency data, a pencil icon will appear in the left most column. Edit access will be granted using OEDS role assignments.


Clicking on the email link, will open up a default mail application so email can be sent the district contact.

Contact Phone

If you are using a mobile device or a device configured with a phone application, clicking on the phone number link will launch your device's phone application.



Agency Details

By clicking on the IRN from the grid List, users will see a popup window containing the details for that agency.  This provides a detail listing of the contact information about a district.

Edit Agency

Users with edit access to Agency information will have a pencil icon in the listing grid.  Clicking on the pencil icon will allow the Agency information to be updated.  Any data entered is visible to all ODDEX users.

As an administrator for this application, the contact information for your agency should be completed.  This information is used in the district level pop-ups the application provides.  This data is used to assist other districts in contacting your district.  The contact detail should be accurate and updated if personnel change.

Secondary Contact Information

The secondary contact information should be completed if your district prefers other districts contact a single person or office.  An example of this would be for central registration, with central registration handling all inquiries.  The contact information for that office would be entered in the secondary contact fields, otherwise leave blank.  This detail is then used in place of the contact detail for the individual who posted a review or added a comment in any of the various modules within ODDEX.  The secondary contact information at the Agency level takes precedence over the individual user contact information in the contact pop-ups. 




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