Benefit Obligation By Account

Benefit Obligation By Account

For a legacy role, the Benefit Obligation reports (employee and account) needs USPS_STANDARD_BENEFITOBLIGATION_REPORT granted.

They, also, must have USPS_STANDARD_EMPLOYEE_VIEW in order to run these reports.

The Benefit Obligation By Account provides information about the dollar amount of benefit obligations a district would incur if employees were to use their entire sick, vacation, and personal balances.

This report is created automatically when the Fiscal Year End has been closed (June Posting Period is closed) and will be found in the File Archive/YYYY Fiscal Year Reports. If trying to process the report at a later time if any contracts were added whose date range overlaps the 'as of' date, the report would be different than what was processed at Fiscal Year End. It also checks the current position job status for 'Active', so if any Positions are no longer active, it would change the report results and also pay accounts that were changed would affect the report as well.

The 'as of' date is used primarily to get the state of the Compensations as they were at that date, but it does not guarantee an identical report. 

The report looks at when the USAGE or ACCUM was entered (Date Applied).  A Leave Activity Report can be run to see when the leave was entered:

The Account sort options include all pay account dimensions including appropriation level and entire account code.  The Benefit Obligation By Account also has the ability to create spreadsheets. These spreadsheets can be used by any district but may be particularly helpful to those districts on GAAP.

The program uses the 'Eligibility Flags' from the employee's Position; the Unit Amount, Pay Unit and the Hours In Day field from the Compensation; and the Leave Unit from the employee's Leave screen.

In order for an employee's job to appear in the Benefit Obligation By Account report there must be an active pay account assigned to the same position that has the eligibility flag set to 'Y'. If the program can not find a pay account for the Position, the employee is omitted from the report.

Field Definitions

The Save and Recall option , allows the users to create and save certain reports  for different report runs for each report option.  The Default option is the original SSDT report and the Most Recent is the last report that was ran by the user.  If the report is no longer needed, click on to delete the report.  The Default reports cannot be deleted. 

The Format options available:

  • Comma Separated Values
  • PDF (download)

The Account Sort by options available are:

  • Budget Account
  • Bund/SCC
  • Fund
  • Function
  • Object
  • Special Cost Center
  • Subject 
  • Operational Unit
  • Instructional Unit
  • Job Assignment

Select the Employee Detail Sort Options:

  • Employee Number
  • Employee Name

The Page Break on Account field choices are:

  • Check  to have a page break on an account
  • Leave unchecked  to have no page break on an account

Select the Leave Types available:

  • Vacation Leave
  • Sick Leave
  • Personal Leave
  • All Leave Types

Select the applicable Job Status:

  • Inactive Employees only
  • Active Employees only
  • Both Active and Inactive Employees

The Exclude Ineligible Positions field choices are:

  • Check to exclude positions that are ineligible for sick, vacation, or personal leave (balance reported as zero).
  • Leave unchecked to include position that are ineligible for sick, vacation, or personal leave.

The Include Archived Employees field choices are:

  • Check to include positions of employees who are archived.
  • Leave unchecked to exclude positions of employees who are archived.

The Positions Eligible for Retirement Only options are:

  • Check the  option to include all employee that are eligible for retirement 
  • Leave unchecked the option to exclude all eligible employees for retirement

Enter a Report as of Date 

Select specific Employees to be included on the report.  Select them from the list of all Available employees to the Selected box.  Leave blank to select all employees.

Once all options have been selected, click on .

Example of an Estimated Potential Benefit Obligation Report by Account


**No Hourly/daily rate found for this employee**

**Hours in a Day should not be 0**

  • If an employee has Absence's for the FYXX but doesn't have a Compensation paid in that FYXX, this error will be produced.