--- reportDefinition: ! description: "Sorts by vendor's primary names and lists item descriptions with amounts\ \ paid PurchaseOrderCharge Report" tags: "" predefined: false parameters: ! pageSize: "LETTER" pageOrientation: "LANDSCAPE" outputFormat: "PDF" templateName: "Purchase Order Detail" suppressDetail: false showOptions: false queryParameters: ! {} title: "Purchase Order Detail" querySpecification: specification: "invoiceable.oneOf ([param(\"invoiceable\",'',\"Invoiceable? (true/false)\"\ )])\npo.amended.oneOf ([param(\"amended\",'',\"Amended only? (true/false)\"\ )])\npo.number.between param(\"startPO\",\"\", \"Starting Purchase Order #\"\ ), param(\"endPO\",\"\", \"Ending Purchase Order #\")\npo.date.between param(\"\ startDate\",\"\",\"Transaction Start Date\"), param(\"endDate\",\"\", \"Transaction\ \ End Date\")\npo.createdDate.between param(\"systemStartDate\",\"\",\"Created\ \ Start Date\"), param(\"systemEndDate\",\"\",\"Created End Date\")\npo.vendor.number.oneOf\ \ ([param(\"number\",'',\"Vendor #(s)\")])\naccount.fullAccountCode.oneOf ([param(\"\ fullAccountCode\",'',\"Full Account Codes(s)\")])\naccount.filter.eq param(\"\ Filter Name\",\"\")" querySpecParameters: ! [] entity: "org.ssdt_ohio.usas.model.po.PurchaseOrderCharge" properties: ! - ! description: "Primary Name" type: "java.lang.String" propertyName: "primaryName" propertyPath: "po.vendor" entityName: "Vendor" sortOrder: 1 controlBreak: true suppressed: true pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: "FIELD" label: "" columnTitle: "Primary Name" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 0 relativePropertyName: "po.vendor.primaryName" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "po" - "vendor" columnOrder: 1 suppressRepeating: true - ! description: "Date" type: "java.util.Calendar" propertyName: "date" propertyPath: "po" entityName: "PurchaseOrder" sortOrder: 2 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: "CALENDAR" source: null label: null columnTitle: null alignment: "CENTER" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 10 relativePropertyName: "po.date" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "po" columnOrder: 2 suppressRepeating: false - ! description: "PO #" type: "java.lang.Integer" propertyName: "number" propertyPath: "item.po" entityName: "PurchaseOrder" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: "NONE" source: "FIELD" label: "PO #" columnTitle: "PO #" alignment: "CENTER" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 0 relativePropertyName: "item.po.number" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "item" - "po" columnOrder: 3 suppressRepeating: false - ! description: "Full Account Code" type: "java.lang.String" propertyName: "fullAccountCode" propertyPath: "account" entityName: "Account" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: true format: null source: null label: null columnTitle: null alignment: null controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 0 relativePropertyName: "account.fullAccountCode" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "account" columnOrder: 4 suppressRepeating: false - ! description: "Description" type: "java.lang.String" propertyName: "description" propertyPath: "item" entityName: "PurchaseOrderItem" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: "FIELD" label: "" columnTitle: "Description" alignment: "CENTER" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 25 relativePropertyName: "item.description" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "item" columnOrder: 5 suppressRepeating: false - ! description: "Amount Paid" type: "java.math.BigDecimal" propertyName: "amountPaid" propertyPath: null entityName: "PurchaseOrderCharge" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: "Sum" baseClassProperty: false format: null source: null label: null columnTitle: null alignment: null controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 0 relativePropertyName: "amountPaid" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! [] columnOrder: 6 suppressRepeating: false