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[] entity: "org.ssdt_ohio.usps.model.position.Compensation" properties: ! - ! description: "Name With Middle Initial" type: "java.lang.String" propertyName: "nameWithMiddleInitial" propertyPath: "position.employee.name" entityName: "Name" sortOrder: 1 controlBreak: true suppressed: true pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: "METHOD" label: "" columnTitle: "Name" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 20 relativePropertyName: "position.employee.name.nameWithMiddleInitial" dataSourcePath: path: ! 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[] currentPath: ! - "position" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 0 permission: null baseClassProperty: false detailHeaderOnly: false controlBreak: false pageBreak: false alignment: "CENTER" columnTitle: "Position Status" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 6 ascending: true function: null sortOrder: 0 suppressed: false format: null entityName: "Position" width: 0 description: "Position Status" name: "position.customFields.positionStatus.value" type: "java.lang.String" permission: null - ! propertyName: "separationDate" reportableProperty: ! description: "Separation Date" type: "java.util.Calendar" propertyName: "customFields.separationDate.value" propertyPath: "position" entityName: "Position" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: "CALENDAR" source: null label: null columnTitle: "Separation Date" alignment: "CENTER" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 16 relativePropertyName: "position.customFields.separationDate.value" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "position" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 0 permission: null baseClassProperty: false detailHeaderOnly: false controlBreak: false pageBreak: false alignment: "CENTER" columnTitle: "Separation Date" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 7 ascending: true function: null sortOrder: 0 suppressed: false format: "CALENDAR" entityName: "Position" width: 16 description: "Separation Date" name: "position.customFields.separationDate.value" type: "java.util.Calendar" permission: null - ! propertyName: "separationReason" reportableProperty: ! description: "Separation Reason" type: "java.lang.String" propertyName: "customFields.separationReason.value" propertyPath: "position" entityName: "Position" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: null label: null columnTitle: "Separation Reason" alignment: "CENTER" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 0 relativePropertyName: "position.customFields.separationReason.value" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "position" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 0 permission: null baseClassProperty: false detailHeaderOnly: false controlBreak: false pageBreak: false alignment: "CENTER" columnTitle: "Separation Reason" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 8 ascending: true function: null sortOrder: 0 suppressed: false format: null entityName: "Position" width: 0 description: "Separation Reason" name: "position.customFields.separationReason.value" type: "java.lang.String" permission: null - ! propertyName: "degreeType" reportableProperty: ! description: "Degree Type" type: "java.lang.String" propertyName: "customFields.degreeType.value" propertyPath: "position.employee" entityName: "Employee" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: null label: null columnTitle: "Degree Type" alignment: "CENTER" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 0 relativePropertyName: "position.employee.customFields.degreeType.value" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "position" - "employee" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 0 permission: null baseClassProperty: false detailHeaderOnly: false controlBreak: false pageBreak: false alignment: "CENTER" columnTitle: "Degree Type" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 9 ascending: true function: null sortOrder: 0 suppressed: false format: null entityName: "Employee" width: 0 description: "Degree Type" name: "position.employee.customFields.degreeType.value" type: "java.lang.String" permission: null - ! propertyName: "semesterHours" reportableProperty: ! description: "Semester Hours" type: "java.math.BigDecimal" propertyName: "customFields.semesterHours.value" propertyPath: "position.employee" entityName: "Employee" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: null label: null columnTitle: "Semester Hours" alignment: "CENTER" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 0 relativePropertyName: "position.employee.customFields.semesterHours.value" dataSourcePath: path: ! 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[] currentPath: ! [] suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 11 permission: null - ! description: "Report to EMIS" type: "java.lang.Boolean" propertyName: "reportToEmis" propertyPath: "position.employee" entityName: "Employee" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: "FIELD" label: "Report to EMIS" columnTitle: "Employee EMIS Flag" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 15 relativePropertyName: "position.employee.reportToEmis" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "position" - "employee" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 12 permission: null - ! description: "Employee Archived" type: "java.lang.Boolean" propertyName: "archived" propertyPath: "position.employee" entityName: "Employee" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: "FIELD" label: "Employee Archived" columnTitle: "Employee Archived" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 10 relativePropertyName: "position.employee.archived" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "position" - "employee" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 13 permission: null - ! propertyName: "reportableToEMIS" reportableProperty: ! description: "Reportable to EMIS" type: "java.lang.Boolean" propertyName: "customFields.reportableToEMIS.value" propertyPath: "position" entityName: "Position" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: null label: null columnTitle: "Position EMIS Flag" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 15 relativePropertyName: "position.customFields.reportableToEMIS.value" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "position" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 0 permission: null baseClassProperty: false detailHeaderOnly: false controlBreak: false pageBreak: false alignment: "LEFT" columnTitle: "Position EMIS Flag" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 14 ascending: true function: null sortOrder: 0 suppressed: false format: null entityName: "Position" width: 15 description: "Reportable to EMIS" name: "position.customFields.reportableToEMIS.value" type: "java.lang.Boolean" permission: null - ! description: "Archived" type: "java.lang.Boolean" propertyName: "archived" propertyPath: "position" entityName: "Position" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: "FIELD" label: "" columnTitle: "Archived" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 10 relativePropertyName: "position.archived" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! - "position" suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 15 permission: null - ! propertyName: "reportableToEMIS" reportableProperty: ! description: "Reportable to EMIS" type: "java.lang.Boolean" propertyName: "customFields.reportableToEMIS.value" propertyPath: null entityName: "Compensation" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: null label: null columnTitle: "Comp EMIS Flag" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 15 relativePropertyName: "customFields.reportableToEMIS.value" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! [] suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 0 permission: null baseClassProperty: false detailHeaderOnly: false controlBreak: false pageBreak: false alignment: "LEFT" columnTitle: "Comp EMIS Flag" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 16 ascending: true function: null sortOrder: 0 suppressed: false format: null entityName: "Compensation" width: 15 description: "Reportable to EMIS" name: "customFields.reportableToEMIS.value" type: "java.lang.Boolean" permission: null - ! description: "Archived" type: "java.lang.Boolean" propertyName: "archived" propertyPath: null entityName: "Compensation" sortOrder: 0 controlBreak: false suppressed: false pageBreak: false ascending: true function: null baseClassProperty: false format: null source: "FIELD" label: "" columnTitle: "Archived" alignment: "LEFT" controlHeaderOnly: false controlFooterOnly: false detailHeaderOnly: false width: 10 relativePropertyName: "archived" dataSourcePath: path: ! [] currentPath: ! [] suppressRepeating: false columnOrder: 17 permission: null