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Published March 2016
Table of Contents |
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The Director's CornerA summary of this newsletter and the reasons we created it. By Dave Smith |
Welcome to the inaugural issue of the SSDT newsletter. As we continue to push frequent releases and draw closer to release candidate stage (see Matt’s article below) keeping in constant contact with you will become more important. We hope this publication is one means by which we can keep you better informed.
By now I hope each of you have had an opportunity to see or experience the second preview release of both USAS and USPS and have seen what the future of state software will look like. We are excited about many of the modern features our redesigned software provides. We will detail some of these features, particularly those “under the hood” (such as rules and custom fields), in subsequent issues. There is a lot of power built into the new software that may not be immediately apparent. All of this was done with an eye on the long term to meet both the immediate and future needs of our user community.
Our current focus is to recreate the functionality of the classic state software packages. Once this is done we have many ideas about where to go next, but we will look to you to guide us and help make state software what you want it to be.
If you have questions or comments about the preview releases, this newsletter or anything else the SSDT does please send us a message at
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Redesigning The FutureAn explanation of our release plan and timelines. By Matt Calmes |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed imperdiet urna ac sem aliquet consectetur. Nam sollicitudin pharetra erat, non rutrum leo imperdiet finibus. Nam id tortor sollicitudin, aliquet metus eget, volutpat arcu. Donec egestas sodales ullamcorper. Proin dignissim tellus purus, et faucibus metus condimentum vel. Sed sit amet ultricies leo. Curabitur sit amet mollis eros. Aenean iaculis faucibus egestas. Pellentesque semper quam vitae lacus tincidunt fringilla.
Phasellus dignissim arcu quis tortor pharetra, faucibus fermentum nisl laoreet. Integer elementum lectus in tempus porttitor. Aliquam ultrices non lacus mattis tristique. Maecenas elementum ex a placerat accumsan. Nam ante urna, vestibulum in odio vitae, cursus pretium purus. Nunc lobortis, orci a interdum viverra, diam elit pulvinar ipsum, vitae tempor justo turpis sit amet orci. Sed interdum nulla a mauris viverra eleifend. Sed id justo quis ligula sagittis eleifend. Pellentesque id risus volutpat diam pretium mollis porttitor ut sapien. Suspendisse eu ligula in nunc semper pellentesque. Mauris aliquam sodales vulputate. Nulla fringilla tincidunt lacus quis sollicitudin. Duis bibendum nunc neque, a ultricies augue finibus in. In rutrum tortor eget dolor ullamcorper, vel hendrerit erat vehicula.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi sit amet nulla at mi vestibulum vulputate sed et tortor. Sed sollicitudin, velit sed tempus aliquet, mi nisi rhoncus orci, nec molestie elit urna ac mi. In rhoncus suscipit nibh nec volutpat. Mauris ut egestas lacus. Maecenas cursus congue ligula, ac accumsan sapien venenatis vitae. Maecenas congue porta elit, venenatis finibus elit bibendum in. Ut et placerat diam. Vivamus aliquam ex sed gravida ullamcorper. Fusce tempus feugiat lectus, ut elementum elit varius et.
Suspendisse molestie venenatis quam, vel fermentum ipsum convallis ut. Aliquam tincidunt felis vitae imperdiet consequat. Cras odio turpis, condimentum ac felis eu, venenatis ultricies nunc. Maecenas at iaculis nunc, quis auctor ipsum. Duis congue auctor faucibus. Duis sit amet mauris congue, hendrerit dui in, commodo tortor. In ac nisi vitae magna aliquam ullamcorper non ac ipsum. Donec vitae lorem a ante tincidunt euismod. Curabitur nec lectus erat. Quisque vestibulum eu ipsum non tincidunt. Proin tempor risus enim, vitae tempus sem commodo at. Donec a mattis turpis. Nullam suscipit fringilla purus quis viverra. Quisque congue accumsan placerat. Morbi posuere sed sem porttitor porta.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas rhoncus mauris magna, sed rutrum augue consequat at. Integer fringilla velit vel libero tincidunt dictum. Maecenas dui mauris, consequat in commodo sed, interdum in ligula. Vestibulum consequat, lacus in tempor luctus, ante mauris consectetur justo, vitae fermentum odio enim vitae quam. Donec aliquam eleifend lorem a imperdiet. Sed lobortis sed massa nec tristique. Sed blandit varius libero, vel placerat enim mattis vel. Mauris et nunc dui. Vivamus interdum venenatis dapibus. Quisque dictum libero pretium, imperdiet lacus in, fringilla eros. Cras eget accumsan ligula.
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The New and Exciting World of the USXS RedesignsA sneak peek of what you will see in the applications. By Lori Miller |
The USXS-R redesign is well underway and we wanted to share with you what you can expect to see when you access the websites.
When logging into the payroll web application you will see the following :
Each Menu contains options that are listed alphabetically.
When logging into the accounting web application you will see the following :
Each Menu contains options that are listed alphabetically.
There is currently documentation for both the USPS and USAS applications and this is on the SSDT WIKI page and can be found at the following links:
We have also started creating videos for the USPS and USAS applications and they can be found on our SSDT You Tube page which is located at the following link:
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Grid Functionality in USXS RedesignsAn explanation on how the grid works. |
Image Added
Many of the USXS-R menu options are displayed in a grid format in order for the user to query existing data. You can customize the grid columns, adding/removing columns using the “More” icon. Using your mouse, you can drag columns left to right, changing the order of how they appear on the grid. You can also sort within each column by clicking on the column, sorting them in ascending or descending order. Sorting multiple columns is available as well by holding down SHIFT and clicking on the successive columns. Grid results are "lazy-loaded", meaning you can scroll down through all of the data and it gets loaded as you go. This means there is no limit on maximum records that can be returned, and no "page numbers" to deal with to see your results. Clicking on a row in the grid brings up a highlight view of the record you are on.
You are able to filter grid results via the "filter row" which is directly under the column header descriptions. For alphanumeric columns, use % as a wildcard. Use booleans such as <, >, =, etc) to filter numeric columns. In addition, the advanced query icon Image Added allows querying against virtually any field related to the type of data being queried. The advanced queries can be saved and recalled later, and are also available as filters in the Report menu.
In order to view a specific record, click on Image Added. To edit a record, click onImage Added and to delete a record, click on Image Added. A short video on how the grid works can be seen on our SSDT YouTube Channel.