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News You Can Use About USPS-R and EMIS

Image RemovedSomeday, we'll find it...   Image Removedthe USPS-R and EMIS-R connection...  Image Removedthe payroll staff, the EMIS staff and ITC... Image Removed

Kermit's song is certainly universal. (wink)   SSDT is providing more documentation to help with USPS-R and EMIS staff reporting.  Listed below are helpful hints, reports and links that we hope will better connect USPS-R and EMIS staff reporting requirements.  

Did you know?

There is an EMIS entry area in USPS-R that can be found under Core>EMIS Entry. It can be utilized to enter necessary EMIS data if not already populated in the Employee>Position screens.  There are tab options available for EMIS Employee Entry (CI records), EMIS Position Entry (CK records) as well as EMIS Contracted Service Entry (CC records).  If a district needs to enter in EMIS Contractor (CJ records), the EMIS Contractor Module under SYSTEM>MODULES will need to be turned on so that this tab is available under Core>EMIS Entry.  There are specific Roles created that will allow an employee to read only or access and enter the EMIS data as required.  These roles LEGACY-EMIS-READONLY-USER or LEGACY_EMIS_USER can be granted to a user as the district deems necessary (many times used for an EMIS Coordinator).

Guess what?

If for some reason you need to report different data other than what is found on the Position and Compensation records for Contract Amount, Contract Workdays, Hours in the Day or FTE for an employee, you can do that.  All you need to do is go into the Position record and under the EMIS Related Information section add the information that you want to be reported to EMIS for the employee. These fields are considered override fields and, if populated, will be pulled by the SIF data collector for EMIS reporting. If these fields are left blank, then the Position and Compensation records are used to pull in the specific staff data needed for EMIS reporting.

How do I update Experience?

The Total, Authorized and Principal Years of Experience are reported to EMIS on the Initial and Final Staff/Course (L) Collections. This means that at the beginning of the fiscal year, the Years of Experience on the Employee records will need to be updated.

Option 1-This can be easily done for Total and Authorized Years by creating a CSV file for loading and then the user can process the Mass Load program found under Utilities. See the New Fiscal Year/Initial L Reporting USPS-R EMIS Checklist for complete instructions on using this process.

Option 2- Use the Mass Change program found under Employees simply by importing the Increment Experience json file that can be found at Redesign Shared Report or Mass Change Definitions.  The district can filter the Employee data on the grid and then use the Mass Change process. See the New Fiscal Year/Initial L Reporting USPS-R EMIS Checklist for complete instructions on using this process.  

*NOTE*   To Mass Change Experience, an employee must not have null or zero experience years listed. Those records are not to be included in the filtered data and will need to be manually updated if applicable. 

**NOTE** Principal Years of Experience should be manually updated as required.

Exciting News!

There is a new canned report, EMIS Data Collection Reports, that can assist with verifying staff data for EMIS reporting. The report is available under Reports>EMIS Reports. You have the option to run the report for Employee data (CI records) or Position data (CJ records).  All you need to do is click on the respective button. When choosing the Employee tab, you will get the Employee Number, Employee Name, EMIS ID and any possible errors that are occurring on the Employee records.  If you choose to generate the Position Report, you will see the Employee Number, Employee Name and the Position #/Local Contract Code listed. This report will also list any errors detected for an employee Position record.  There are also some reports that can be imported from the Redesign Shared Report or Mass Change Definitions page that can assist in verifying that there is data populated in the necessary EMIS element fields that are pulled in through the SIF data collection. The following report definitions can be downloaded and imported into your instance.

The links for these reports along with the elements contained in the reports can also be found in the EMIS Checklists.

Speaking of the EMIS Checklists...

There is a new section in the documentation called USPS & EMIS Connection with available USPS-R/EMIS Checklists.   The New Fiscal Year/Initial L Reporting  USPS-R EMIS Checklist will assist in getting the staff data ready for the new fiscal year for the Initial L EMIS reporting. The other checklist, Final L Reporting USPS-R EMIS Checklist will assist with making sure that staff data is ready for the Final L SIF data collection. 

Budgeting Changes

Temporaries completed?   But I now need to make changes and/or make my temporary amounts permanent figures.  What are my options?

  • Option #1: If you still have all of your temporary amounts stored in the proposed amounts grids for both Budget & Anticipated Revenue, you can update just the accounts you want to change and apply as Permanent.  This will overwrite the existing initial figure with the newly applied figure.
    • For example, account #1 initial budget temporary amount is $5000.  Account #2 initial budget temporary amount is $6000.  I want to change account #2's amount to $7000.  Both of these accounts are still in my proposed amounts grid.  In the proposed amounts grid, modify the amount in account #2 and apply all accounts in the proposed amounts grid as permanent.  End result: Account #1 initial budget amount is still $5000 (overwritten with the same figure) but is now marked as permanent (behind the scenes).  Account #2 initial budget now displays $7000... the newly applied figure overwrote the existing amount and is now flagged as permanent (behind the scenes).  
  • Option #2: If you still have all of your temporary amounts stored in the proposed amounts grid for both budget and anticipated revenue, apply them again but this time select permanent.  The initial budget figures will be overwritten with the same amount still have all amounts in the proposed amounts grids for both Budget & Anticipated Revenue and applied the amounts as “Permanent” the first time around, you can update just the accounts you want changed and apply again as Permanent.  This will overwrite the existing initial figure with the newly applied figure.
  • If only certain account amounts need changed, delete all and/or only include (or promote) the accounts you need into the Proposed Amount grid and apply as permanent.  By removing accounts in the proposed amount grid you have already applied permanent figures to, when you re-apply, those initial amounts will not be overwritten.

Scenario #5: If the districts leaves their proposed amounts as temporary and does not make them permanent will that hurt anything?

Scenario #1:  I have a handful of accounts/amounts to change.

In this situation, a benefit of having your temporary amounts stored in the proposed amounts grid is the ability to edit the amounts manually and apply the updated grid as permanents.

Scenario #2: I have changes to make to all of my general fund temporaries.  I don't want to edit them manually via the proposed amounts grid.  Any better options?  

Absolutely!  Use the scenario created for your temporaries to make changes.  You can either edit the spreadsheet within the scenario or download the scenario to Excel, make the changes to the proposed amount and load back in.  Promote your newly updated amounts.  This will replace whatever accounts/amounts are currently in the proposed amount grid.  Next, apply your changes using the permanent option.

Scenario #4:  I applied my temporaries last year.  Now I would like to apply my proposed amount as permanent.  However, I have been making Budgeting Adjustments against these accounts.  When I apply my permanents, will it override my budget adjustments?  Using the permanent type when apply proposed amounts does not affect the adjustments figured on the accounts.  It will overwrite the existing initial (temporary) figure with the permanent figure.

Useful links:

titleDid You Know?



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 6 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

titleFive Year Forecast