State Reporting- ECE Qualification, Degree Type, Non-Certificate Employer ID, Semester Hours
To find all EMIS reportable Staff Demographic elements go to the following URL and view the STAFF DEMOGRAPHIC (CI) RECORD FILE LAYOUT-- https://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Data/EMIS/EMIS-Documentation/Current-EMIS-Manual/3-3-Staff-Demographic-CI-Record-v7-1.pdf
Name- Last Name, First Name
To find all EMIS reportable Staff Employment elements go to the following URL and view the STAFF EMPLOYMENT (CK) RECORD FILE LAYOUT--https://education.ohio.gov/getattachment/Topics/Data/EMIS/EMIS-Documentation/Current-EMIS-Manual/3-4-Staff-Employment-CK-Record-v9-0b.pdf
5. ___ Verify that all Supplemental (8XX) Compensations (contract and non contract) records have been created and the Reportable to EMIS flag is set checked.