Assume the ITC has established a resource archive called "W2" which contains archives of PDF W2 Forms by employee for multiple tax years. The following are valid requests and the like responses:
HTML Table |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Head (th) |
Looks like |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
UWC Wiki Markup |
{th}You type {th}
{th}Looks like{th}
~UWC_TOKEN_START~1292862896731~UWC_TOKEN_ END Table Cell (td) |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Or with line numbering:
Or with line numbering:
END Table Cell (td) |
HTML Table |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Table Cell (td) |
{td}Content-type: application/pdf
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Table Cell (td) |
HTTP 404 Response (not found) |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
{td}HTTP 404 Response (not found){td}
Table Cell (td) |
Returns all {td}
{td}Returns all URL's found for the specified employee
Content-type: text/x-resources
. .
. Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Table Cell (td) |
Returns all {td}
{td}Returns all URL's for all documents for the specified year
Content-type: text/x-resources
. . .
Table Row (tr) |
HTML Table |
Table Head (th) |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) | WS-I is a trademark of the Web Services-Interoperability Organization in the United States and other countries.
{table} |
Wiki Markup |
{td}WS-I is a trademark of the Web Services-Interoperability Organization in the United States and other countries.{td}
{table} |