Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

  Please click here to view a short video on how to create a purchase order.


  1. From the Transaction menu select 'Purchase Orders'
  2. Click 
  3. Enter desired information into the purchase order


    Purchase Orders by default do not require a vendor number.  No vendor means the user hasn't assigned one yet or that it will be used as a 'multi-vendor' purchase order (non-vendor specific). The creation of multi-vendor vendor numbers is no longer needed in the redesign.  

    1. Click on the  to add line items.
    2. Click   or  to move item up or down in listing of line items.
    3. Click on the  to copy line items.
      1. The allows the user to split items by quantity and the allows the user to split by price
  4. Click on to post the purchase order to the system, click on Cancel to not post the purchase order and return to the Purchase Order grid.


Click on to invoice a purchase order.  It will take you directly to the AP Invoice (Legacy) module. The invoice button  is also available when viewing a purchase order.

Cancel Purchase Order Items without an Invoice

You now have the ability to cancel po items that have not been invoiced or paid directly from the po.  To do so, edit the po and select the Amend option.  For any item that has not been invoiced, click the Image Addedto cancel the item.  The canceled item will display with a line through it, indicating it has been canceled.  The canceled total should now reflect the item(s) you canceled.  

Print Purchase Order

Click on  to submit a copy of a posted purchase order in a desired output format.  Users have the ability to print a single purchase order or a batch of purchase orders at one time. 
