- Integer or int- a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero
- String - a sequence of symbols or values, example of a string is an account number '1234567' or vendor name 'Sample'
- Boolean - true or false
- Calendar - is a date (YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY)
- big decimal - any fractional number
- int - a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero
- set - multiple values
Operation determines how the data in each row of the grid will be compared to the filter value when the query is applied. The following operations are available:
- Equals
- One of - list of possible values; must be separated by commas
- Not Equals
- Like - begins with
- Contains - will search for the value anywhere in the field
- Between - range; values must be separated by commas
- Is null - blank
- Not null - not blank
- Greater than
- Greater or equal
- Less than
- Less or equal
- Not one of - exclude list of possible values; must be separated by commas
- Sort - to place in order
- vendor example: "lastactivitydate sort" will sort vendors by last activity date
- Type - the class type. Must be a fully qualified class name.
Filter Value - is a value entered by the user based on what they are searching for and the property field type; for some operations this may be a list or range with the values separated by commas.