- Integer or int- a whole number that can be positive, negative, or zero
- String - a sequence of symbols or values, example of a string is an account number '1234567' or vendor name 'Sample'
- Boolean - true or false
- Calendar - is a date (YYYY/MM/DD, MM/DD/YYYY)
- big decimal - any fractional number
- set - multiple values
Operation is a process or validation to determine a particular presence or quantity. The determines how the data in each row of the grid will be compared to the filter value when the query is applied. The following operations are available.:
- Equals
- One of - list of possible values; must be separated by commas
- Not Equals
- Like - begins with
- Contains - will search for the value anywhere in the field
- Between - range; values must be separated by commas
- Is Null - blank
- Not null - not blank
- Greater than
- Greater or equal
- Less than
- Less or equal
- notOneof - exclude list of possible values; must be separated by commas
- sort - to place in order
- vendor example: "lastactivitydate sort" will sort vendors by last activity date
- type - the class type. Must be a fully qualified class name.
Filter Value - is a value entered by the user based on what they are searching for and the property field type; for some operations this may be a list or range with the values separated by commas.