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There's no Time like the Present... Job Calendars for 2020-2021

It's hard to believe,  but it's time to start thinking about creating job calendars for the next school year.  Listed below are the steps to creating a calendar, copying the calendars to create other calendars (that's right, let the Redesign do the work for you), and generating a report of your newly created calendars. 

Creating a Job Calendar:

  1. Go to Core>Job Calendar.
  2. Click on the  edit button next to a calendar that you want to create work days for.
  3. In the Start Date field enter in or use the pop-up calendar to add the beginning work day for the 20-21 calendar. In the End Date field enter in or use the pop-up calendar to add the last work day for the calendar
  4. In the Type field, make sure that Work Day is selected (this is the default),  If you wish to include weekend days on the calendar check the associated box next to Include Weekends.
  5. Click the 'Mass Update' button to create the job calendar.
  6. **IMPORTANT** Click the 'Save' button to retain the new calendar data you just entered.
  7. You can use the Day Count Total grid at the top of the screen to verify that the correct amount of work days were added for the job calendar.
  8. In the Custom Start field enter or use the pop-up calendar to enter in the start date for the job calendar. In the Stop field enter in or use the pop-up calendar to enter the ending date for the job calendar. The Custom Date Range on the grid should then display the total number of work days and holidays that were added for the calendar.

Copy Calendars

  1. To copy this calendar to create other calendars, click on the  button.
  2. In the Copy From field, enter in a few characters from the calendar name that you created or use the drop down button and find that calendar.
  3. Enter or choose from the pop-up calendar the Start Date and End Date for the calendar.
  4. Under the Select Job Calendars section, choose from the Available calendars which calendars you wish to create by moving them over to the Selected section.
  5. Click on the button.
  6. You can then go into each calendar and can tweak them accordingly by clicking on the  button to  make any needed modifications (adding days, removing days, etc.);  Or you can go to individual days on the job calendar and right click and choose Work Day, Holiday, or None
  7. **IMPORTANT** After any changes are made,  please click the 'Save'  button to retain your updates.

Calendar Report

You can create a report or reports for the job calendars you created by going to the Reports tab and clicking on Job Calendar Report.

Closing the PIG Gate

We call them our 'closet Barnyard fans'.... those who would never publicly admit to still using OINQ but when no one is looking, bam! they are filtering and PF1ing (yep, I said PF1) until their hearts content.  It's OK, we totally understand how nice it is to enter a PO number and get all of the associated invoice and check information with the push of a button.  You all know by now how fantastic the Redesign transaction grids are in filtering what you need, basically replacing the EIEIO queries.  However, something is still missing.. something is just not quite right... go ahead, it's OK to admit it.... um, where's my OINQ?  It's there!  It's been there.  And it has a name any newbie would understand.. it's called the Activity Ledger Query which clearly makes much more sense! Listed below are my 'top 5 reasons' why you should be using this versatile query option under the USAS-R Transaction menu.

  1. Customization... there are so many different ways to customize this ledger so that it makes the most sense to you
  2. Sorting.. since there are so many things to filter on, sorting is very helpful in the Activity Ledger
  3. Did I say filtering? You can get pretty creative when you really want to in this grid!
  4. Just click 'Report' to generate an output file of your query without having to figure out.. is the "print_on" or is the "print_off"... wait I thought the print was on.. no wait, I have to select print_on to actually get a text file.  Whew!
  5. There is no PIG gate.. need I say more?

Displayed below are a couple of basic examples on how to use the Activity Ledger Query. 

Example #1:  What is the status of a specific PO?  Enter the PO number in the filter row and sort it how you see fit.  I sorted mine first by date and then within date, by PO Item number and then Type. I can see the entire history of every item on this PO from start to finish.

Example #2: I want to find all disbursements in December 2019 for Vendor #10553.  I can query the same thing in the Disbursements grid, however, the big difference between querying in Disbursements vs. Activity Ledger is the Disbursement grid does not display the associated PO and Invoice on the grid.. you have to view the disbursement to see the details.  Most transaction grids work the same way,  displaying a summary of the transactions.  If you want to see the item detail on the grid, use the Activity Ledger Query.

It really is limitless.. use your creativity to get the most out of this awesome query program.  You will be ready to 'close the gate' on Classic OINQ!

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Useful links:

titleDid You Know?

Classic's Hand-Check Replacement

Redesign's replacement for HANDCK is just a click away.  Click here to find out everything you need to know about how to create, void, unvoid, re-issue, print or resequence a manual check.

titleBudget Scenarios

I'm sure many of you are starting are starting to prepare your budgets for next fiscal year and some of you may want to make adjustments on your current budgets before the end of FY2020.  Included in the USAS-R Appendix chapter are steps to accomplishing either one. 



Sites Live on Redesign


Total Wave 5 Sites


Participating ITCs


Total Districts Participating

Please view the Current List of Districts & Status to see a comprehensive list of school districts along with their ITC, implementation status and the wave they are scheduled to migrate from Classic to Redesign.

The following terminology is used to determine where in the implementation process the entity is currently at:

  • Implementing: The ITC is running test imports and balancing reports on the entity.  The district and ITC are working to schedule dates to begin dual processing and go live.

  • Paralleling: The entity is inputting all production transactions into both Classic and Redesign.

  • Live: The entity is using Redesign for production processing; no parallel processing is being performed;  Classic is available in 'read-only' mode.

titleDid You Know?

SSDT Session at OASBO

SSDT will be presenting at the 2020 OASBO Annual Conference.  Our session is called 'Optimizing Business Processes with State Software Redesign' and will cover tips/tricks and FAQs to help optimize your day to day processing in the software!  The session will be held on Wednesday, April 22nd from 2:15-3:15 in room D280.  See you there!