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Prioritization Items to Discuss

  1. Payroll Archive (Redesign Payroll CD
  2. USPS-R Canned Reports causing performance issues
    1. In USPS-R we have some canned reports that use and internal query process called a 'Chunk Provider' allowing them to process 100 records at a time before querying more data. 
    2. This has become a problem as the Chunk Providers are leaking db connections.
    3. If all db connections are leaked, no users can login or preform any operations, forcing the ITC's to restart the app.
    4. This is the highest priority and every chunk provider should be refactored away in the next 2-4 releases of USPS-R
  3. Payroll Item Max Amounts Jira LegacyserverSSDT JIRAserverId925ea1db-0df8-3e91-bcfb-6b1c8a04f6cakeyUSPSR-4467)
    1. Continues to be our top priority
  4. Payroll Init / Posting Bugs and Improvements
    1. Add a validate step to the Payroll Post process to report all errors before posting the payroll
    2. Add more context to history for Check / DD printing
    3. Lots of other minor improvements / bugs
  5. Compensation Pays Paid issue
    1. District paid contracts outside of the contract start / stop dates
      1. Moved start date so they could include the contract in a payroll
      2. Moved the start date back to 7/1/19 after payroll was completed
      3. This causes the pays paid calculation to be incorrect (based on the date range of the compensation)
    2. We have created a new feature to allow the pays paid to adjusted through compensation adjustments
    3. This issue will also change how we store the pays paid currently
    4. How soon after payroll archive should this be prioritized? 
    5. Jira Legacy
      serverSystem JIRA
  6. Accrued wages are not displayed on Direct Deposit Notices / Check Stubs in certain situations
    1. Jira Legacy
      serverSystem JIRA
    2. Planned for 5.39.0 release, currently scheduled for 10/11/19
    3. Does it need to be moved up?
  7. Items from the floor?

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