What is SSDT JIRA?SSDT JIRA is the SSDT's installation of Atlassian's JIRA Software. The SSDT uses JIRA as a "change order" system to track "issues" (bugs, enhancement requests, documentation updates and other software development tasks). The SSDT uses JIRA to track and schedule outstanding requests, scheduling, developer work flow, approvals and releases. JIRA is central to managing the SSDT's software projects. Who can access JIRA?Primarily, JIRA is accessed by SSDT personnel to record and schedule tasks and manage work assignments. However, in Sept '09, the SSDT opened access to JIRA to all users. Anyone who is interested in State Software can access JIRA. As an "Anonymous" user, you can view issues, road maps, change logs (release notes), etc. You can also self-register for an SSDT JIRA login and have additional abilities (vote on issues, customize your dashboard, etc). What will I see in SSDT JIRA?You will see "how the sausage is made". The issue descriptions, comments and work logs are written by software developers for software developers. The language is likely to be more technical than average and not intended for end-users or ITC personnel. You will see nearly every little detail that goes on between developers while hashing out the code. You'll see how developers talk to each other, you'll see their mistakes and triumphs. You'll see strange program names, class names and references to tools that only a nerd would love. You'll see snippets of actual code and links to things you don't have access to.
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