Versions Compared


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  1. When importing billings from the grid, should we be creating ledger codes that do not exist? The regular import does a get-or-create on the ledger code, there is no separate import. 

    1. Add an option to create missing ledger codes and default to true?

    2. Do we always want to create the ledger codes or should this be optional?  Or always create them when they don’t exist?  If they choose NO then you’ll receive an error if a ledger code doesn’t exist. 

    3. Notes
      1. There seemed to be a lot of interest in starting fresh and not importing outdated Classic info.  Can run reports to have historical data from Classic if choosing not to import and start fresh.
      2. Possibly can edit the Classic extracts to remove old, unused ledger codes. Must do this carefully to prevent errors.
  2. Do you want to be able to edit the billing number?
    1. Downside - if you’ve sent the bill out to the customer; there will be a disconnect between the bill and the customer.
    2. Benefit - the billing number can be corrected if needed.
    3. Would you prefer billing and payment numbers be auto assigned, meaning you can not manually enter the billing or payment numbers at all?  Like Classic, wouldn't be able to change, must delete and re-post.
      1. If an error with the billing number is made (numbers transposed and gap created): If the bill is already sent to user, district will have to update in transaction configuration to set new high number to fill in the gap.
    4. Notes: Consensus is to use auto assign.  Do not want billing numbers to be modifiable.  Will use auto assign to populate the transaction numbers.  Can delete and re-post transactions if needed.
  3. Billing service date, should this default to a specific date if the user does not populate it?
    1. Notes: Is it required?  No.  Consensus is to leave it blank by default.  Users will populate if desired.
  4. Billing grid default sort is by due date and then billing number, is this the desired default sort?
    1. Notes: Consensus is that users will most likely define their own sorting.  The default we have defined is fine.

Additional questions from the floor

The following Jira issues cover the functionality asked about.

  • Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
  • Jira Legacy
    serverSystem JIRA
  • Can the Billing attention auto populate with a value based on the customer selected.

All Issues Created Since  

Jira Legacy
serverSSDT System JIRA
jqlQueryproject = USASRFB AND labels = AR AND created >= 2020-02-25 AND created <= 2020-05-26 ORDER BY issuetype DESC