All palettes will have a left and right arrow. Select the options on the left list of available options and click on the right arrow to move them to the right side of the palette. When the items are moved to the "Selected" side, they will also be removed from the "Available" side of the palette. The user may also simply double-click the property to move it to the right.
To de-select items, highlight them on the right side and click the left arrow to move them back to the left, or "Available", side of the palette. Double-clicking a selected option will also move it back to the left.
Users may select multiple items in one of two ways:
To select multiple items that are together in the list, click the first item. Then hold the shift key down and click on the last item. This will highlight all of the items between the two items clicked. The user may now use the palette arrows to move all of these items together.
To select multiple items that are not together in the list, click the first item. Then hold the Ctrl key down and click on as many additional items as desired. This will cause all of the items clicked on to be highlighted and moved together when the palette arrow is clicked.