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Table of Contents


  • Fiscal Year
    • July through June of respective fiscal year
  • Calendar Year
    • January through December of respective calendar year
  • Quarter
    • 1st Quarter-January through March
    • 2nd Quarter- April  through June
    • 3rd Quarter-July through September
    • 4th Quarter-October through December
  • Month
    • Month currently displayed on screen
  • Custom Date Range
    • User can enter in the Custom Start Date and Custom Stop date to obtain the number of respective days for that time period.  (04012019, 04/01/2019 or Date Shortcuts can be used)
  • Date Shortcuts - you can use the beginning and ending characters to indicate the beginning and ending dates for the current applicable period.  Please note these aren't case-sensitive:
    • FiscaL

      F - 1st day of current fiscal start date 7/1/17

      L -  Last day of current fiscal end date 6/30/18

      MontH (based on current system date)

      M - 1st day of current month 4/1/18

      H - Last day of current month 4/30/18


      W -  15th day of current month 4/15/18

      K -  Saturday of current week 4/21/18

      PerioD (Posting Period)

      P - 1st day of next month 5/1/18

      D - Last day of next month 5/31/18


      Q - 1st day of current quarter 4/1/18

      U - Current date 4/18/18

      T - today

      +  Tomorrow's date 4/19/18

      -   Yesterday's date 4/17/18

The available Day options are:


  1. Select 
  2. Enter in the date to be updated in the Date field -  (04012019, 04/01/2019 or Date Shortcuts can be used)
  3. In the Update to field offers the following options:
    1. Work
    2. Holiday
    3. Calamity
    4. MakeupBlank = Non=work day or Unpaid holiday
  4. Select Available Calendar or Calendars by holding down the Shift + down arrow key and then click on the to move then to Selected Calendars
  5. click on Save
