Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



  • Employee must have an Active compensation to find the necessary info to pay
  • If applicable this process should to be  be completed before the personal leave is reset for the fiscal year.
  • Archived employees will be excluded

The 'Personal Leave To Pay Report' is the default file name for the report. This can be changed by entering a new file name in the Report Title field.


The Select Employees field allows for the selection of specific employees. Highlight to select those employees that you wish to report on from the Available box and move it over to the Selected box.  You can choose none or any number of employees to report on.  To remove from the selected box, use  to move it back to the available box.

Convert Unused Personal Leave To Sick Leave Sample Reports:

Convert one personal leave day to one sick day report


Criteria for employee to be included on the report:

For the part time sick leave accrual, we look for all non-archived employees who have an Active or Inactive position that matches the user selected pay groups from the report screen (if no pay groups are selected then all Active and Inactive positions are used).  We also check on the sick leave to see if the accumulate based on hours is true and the current service hours equal or greater than 80.  If these criteria are met, the employee will be on the report.  If an employee should not be accruing part time sick leave, uncheck the accumulate based on hours box and this will prevent the employee from being on the report and accruing sick leave.

**NOTE**The Transaction Date (posting date) will be today's date. 
