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Comment: Import Link Fixer

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Jira Legacy
serverSSDT System JIRA
jqlQueryfixVersion = v8.61.0

Build Date



This release of USAS-R contains performance improvements and bug fixes as detailed in the release notes below.  Please keep in mind these release notes only reflect the changes included in this release.  There are many other features of the software that were previously released that will not be reflected in these release notes.  General information about all of the features available in USAS-R can be found in our USAS-R Documentation.  There is a section in the documentation that also details the significant changes between USAS-R and Classic USAS. 

Important Highlights


  • 1099 changes
    • Updated the filenames for the Reference and Printer/Sealer copies so they are clearly distinguishable in the file archive.
      • Reference copies are named to include _REF: 
      • Sealer copies are named to include _SEALER:  
    • The Output File Type "PDF Format" is obsolete and has been removed.
    • 1099 MISC changes to the Printer/Sealer copies only (other copies previously updated)
      • Updated to implement the box numbering changes for 2022 reporting.  The FATCA filing requirement box is now numbered (13) and subsequent boxes have been renumbered.
      • The Account number box has been moved down one place on the form.
      • The Name 2 field has been added to the recipient address.
      • The Calendar Year field was updated to accurately reflect IRS changes for 2022 reporting year.

Bug Fixes

  • Corrected the newly created budgeting rules that will prevent processing budgeting transactions against inactive accounts.
  • Corrected a problem that prevented processing an account change if any account on the associated transaction had a negative balance.  The account change process was updated to only perform balance checking on the account being changed.

titleAdditional 1099 Related Changes

Please be aware there is one final 1099 related Jira issue to be released with version v8.62.0 on December 16th that will include the following changes:

  • The 1099-NEC Printer/Sealer format (only) will be updated to include the 2022 IRS formatting changes.
  • The filenames for the Reference copies will be updated further to include the type of copy, they are all currently named the same.

Issues included on this release

Jira Legacy
serverSSDT System JIRA
jqlQueryfixVersion = v8.61.0