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Table of Contents

The Accounts Receivable module offers interfaces to handle a variety of account receivable processes.  A crosswalk of the Account Receivable menu and its Classic counterparts is available below as well as steps to import Classic ARF into Redesign.


The Accounts Receivable menu will not be visible until the Accounts Receivable module has been installed under System>Modules.

AR Menu Options


Table of Contents

The Accounts Receivable module offers interfaces to handle a variety of account receivable processes.  A crosswalk of the Account Receivable menu and its Classic counterparts is available below as well as steps to import Classic ARF into Redesign.


The Accounts Receivable menu will not be visible until the Accounts Receivable module has been installed under System>Modules.

AR Menu Options


Steps to Import Classic ARF data


titleImportant Note

It is very important for any districts who have already migrated to Redesign, that are still using Classic ARF with the intention of importing their ARF data, to keep their vendors and accounts in sync with Redesign.  This means if they create a vendor or an account in Classic to use with ARF, they also need to create the vendor or account in Redesign. 

In order to import Classic ARF data into a district's existing Redesign instance, the ITC will need to perform the following steps:


SSDT strongly recommends ITCs run a test import of a district's Classic ARF data into a test instance of the district's Redesign data prior to running the live import to ensure the import completed correctly and any necessary corrections have been addressed.  Once AR is imported into their live data, it cannot be re-imported without re-importing all of USAS-R.

  • Export from Classic:  Use the /wiki/spaces/AR/pages/787696 to to execute the SSWAT Export.  It will generate several USAS extraction files however, you will only be using the following files to import into USAS-R.
  • File Transfer the above files to your PC.
  • Install the Accounts Receivable module under System>Modules.
  • Grant appropriate AR roles to new and/or existing users.
  • Run Imports in the following Accounts Receivable menu options:


    The imports must be run in the following order.  If an import contains 'failed' records, please do not proceed with the next import until the errors have been reviewed and/or cleaned up.

    • AR Customers:
      • Under Accounts Receivable>Customer, click on Image RemovedImage Added from the grid.
      • Click on 'Upload File' to browse for the ARCUST_XXXXXX.TXT and click "Open" or select the file by double-clicking on the file name.  Confirm the system brought in the proper file
      • Select "Tab" for Delimeter Type
      • Click  Image RemovedImage Added
      • Save the output text file (defaults to CustomerImportResult.txt) and review.  The top of the file indicates the total number of customer records imported and failed.  The failed records will be displayed along with their import error. Once the errors have been reviewed and any necessary corrections made to allow the failed records to be imported, re-run the import using the CustomerImportResult.txt file.
    • AR Billing:
      • Under Accounts Receivable>Billings, click on Image RemovedImage Added from the grid.
      • Select Upload Type:
        • SSWAT: to import file created from SSWAT extract
        • Import Result File: to import the BillImportResult.txt file created from original import.  This file is to be used if there were billing records that failed on the original import.
      • Under CSV/TSV Header file, click on 'Upload File' to browse for the ARHEAD_XXXXXX.TXT
      • Under CSV/TSV Item file, click on 'Upload File' to browser for the ARITEM_XXXXXX.TXT
      • Select 'Tab' for Delimeter Type
      • Leave 'Create New Ledger Codes' box checked.  This will create new ledger codes that do not already exist in the Redesign.
      • Click Image RemovedImage Added
      • Save the output text file (defaults to BillImportResult.txt) and review.  The top of the file indicates the total number of header and item records imported and failed.  The failed records will be displayed along with the import error.  Once the errors have been reviewed and any necessary corrections made to allow the failed records to be imported, re-run the import using the 'Import Result File' Upload Type and the BillImportResult.txt file and the 'Import Result File' Upload Type.
    • AR Payments
      • Under Accounts Receivable>Payments, click on Image RemovedImage Added from the grid.
      • Select Upload Type:
        • SSWAT: to import file created from SSWAT extract
        • Import Result File: to import the PaymentImportResult.txt file created from original import.  This file is to be used if there were payment records that failed on the original import.
      • Under CSV/TSV Header file, click on 'Upload File' to browse for the ARHEAD_XXXXXX.TXT
      • Under CSV/TSV Item file, click on 'Upload File' to browser for the ARITEM_XXXXXX.TXT
      • Select 'Tab' for Delimeter Type
      • Click Image RemovedImage Added
      • Save the output text file (defaults to PaymentImportResult.txt) and review.  The top of the file indicates the total number of header and item records imported and failed.  The failed records will be displayed along with the import error.  Once the errors have been reviewed and any necessary corrections made to allow the failed records to be imported, re-run the import using the PaymentImportResult.txt file and the 'Import Result File' Upload Type.
  • Proceed with running Balancing Reports.

titleImport Classic Transaction Numbers

The Classic Billing, Payment and Customer numbers will not be imported into Redesign as the transaction and customer numbers.  However, these Classic transaction and customer numbers will be stored in custom fields labeled as "legacy number" on the transaction or customer they are tied to.  When importing, a new Billing #, Payment # and Customer # will be auto-assigned.  The reason being is Classic allowed the same numbers (i.e. Customer C100 and Vendor V100) whereas in Redesign, the transaction number is stored separately and must be unique.  The Legacy Number can be added to the grids in order to cross-reference the Classic transaction number.


  • 'Error importing Vendor Customer #XXXXXXXXX, data mismatch with Vendor of same number':   
    • This may indicate there is not an existing USAS -R Vendor in Redesign for that Vendor Customer #.  The district may choose to query (EIEIO/BARQ) or run reports (ARTRAN) in Classic against this vendor.  If there are no Classic ARF transactions against this customer, the district may ignore the error and the vendor will not be imported in the Redesign.  If the district would like the vendor to be added in Redesign, they must create the vendor manually in Core>Vendors.  They can then rethen re-run the import using the CustomerImportResult.txt file in order to add the Vendor Customer to the AR Customer grid.
    • This may indicate the existing vendor in USAS -R does not match the data that is current in Classic for that same vendor number.  The The importer is comparing the ARF customer name and address information against USAS -R vendor default PO location name and address information.  They must match exactly. 

Billing Import

  • 'Cannot get property 'name1' on null object': This may indicate the associated customer was not imported.  Please query the customer grid for the customer listed on the billing import error.

Payment Import:

  • 'Payment #XXXXXXXXXXXX not added, no items were imported': Generally found on the header portion of the PaymentImportResult file or USAS import log.  This indicates the payment number contains an empty Payment transaction in Classic for that Billing (highlighted example in screenshot below).  Please query the billing in Classic's EIEIO/BARQ and compare to the Redesign transactions in AR Ledger Query.  If everything matches, please ignore the empty payment record.

Image RemovedImage Added

  • Line ####: Billing not found with legacyNumber XXXXXXXXX: May be displayed in both the header and item portion of the PaymentImportResults file or USAS import log.  This may indicate the billings tied to these payment were not imported due to a future year billing date.   Since the billing did not import, the associated payment did not import either so both the billing and payment portions of the transactions did not import.  If these transactions are extremely old and the district does not want them migrated to the Redesign, nothing more needs to be done.  However, when running balancing reports, you may be off the amounts of these transactions due to them being in Classic but not in the Redesign.


CUSTLSTCustomer Grid - Report optionTo confirm all customers were loaded, run Classic's CUSTLST for all customers and compare using the report option of all customers on the Customer grid.  Please refer to the Import Errors section for customer errors.

AR Billing Summary - Billing Import

NOTE: Legacy Numbers are included in the custom report for easier comparison.

To confirm all outstanding amounts on billings imported successfully, run Classic's ARSUMM using report type option 'A' for all invoices and leave date range blank.  Compare the totals by importing and running the 'AR Billing Summary - Bill Import' custom report definition included in this table, entering 'outstanding' and 'credit' status.  Compare and balance totals. 

AR Billing Summary - Billing Import

NOTE: Legacy Numbers are included in the custom report for easier comparison.

To confirm all billings imported successfully, run Classic's ARDETL and/or ARTRAN for all invoices on file, selecting the "invoice" transaction type.  Compare the totals to the custom 'AR Billing Summary - Billing Import' report definition included in this table..   If you want to run a report for outstanding AR billings, select 'outstanding' and 'credit' and compare the figures to Classic's outstanding ARDETL and/or ARTRAN for "invoice" transaction types.  

AR Payment - Payment Import

NOTE: Legacy Numbers are included in the custom report for easier comparison.

To conform all payments imported successfully, run Classic's ARDETL and/or ARTRAN for all invoices on file, selecting the "payment" transaction type.  Compare the totals to the custom 'AR Payment - Payment Import' report definition included in this table.  

AR Detail Report (Billing Amounts)

NOTE: ARDETL is based off the AR Ledger and does not contain the Legacy Numbers

Compare the invoice totals on the Classic ARDETL to the billing totals on the AR Detail report. On the Classic ARDETL, select 'All Invoices', 'Invoice Transaction' Type and leave date range blank to include all invoices.  On the AR Detail, select 'Billing' Type and leave date range blank to include all billings.  The invoice/billing totals on reports should balance.  To compare outstanding amounts, you can run the Classic ARDETL selecting 'Outstanding' against the AR Detail report entering 'Outstanding' in the Status parameter.  
ARDETLAR Detail report (Payment Amounts)Compare the payment totals on the Classic ARDETL to the totals on the AR Detail report. On the Classic ARDETL, select 'All Invoices', 'Payment Transaction' Type and leave date range blank to include all payments.  On the AR Detail, select 'Payment' Type and leave date range blank to include all payments.  The payment totals on each report should balance.  

AR Transaction Summary (Billing Amounts)

NOTE: ARTRAN is based off the AR Ledger and does not contain the Legacy Numbers.

Compare the invoice totals on the Classic ARTRAN to the billing totals on the AR Transaction Summary report. On the Classic ARTRAN, select 'All Invoices', 'Invoice Transaction' Type and leave date range blank to include all invoices.  On the AR Transaction Summary, select 'Billing' Type and leave date range blank to include all billings.  The invoice/billing totals on the reports should balance.  To compare outstanding amounts, you can run the Classic ARTRAN selecting 'Outstanding' against the AR Transaction Summary entering 'Outstanding' in the Status parameter.  
ARTRANAR Transaction Summary (Payment Amounts)Compare the payment totals on the Classic ARTRAN to the payment totals on the AR Transaction Summary report. On the Classic ARTRAN, select 'All Invoices', 'Payment Transaction' Type and leave date range blank to include all payments.  On the AR Transaction Summary, select 'Payment' Type and leave date range blank to include all payments.  The payment totals on the reports should balance.  
ARSTATECustomer Statement ReportRun both statement programs and compare and balance.  TIP: May be easier to convert the Classic ARSTATE.TXT to PDF format in order to compare the number of statements generated. 
ARAGEAR Aging ReportRun both reports and compare and balance.  NOTE: The AR Aging report does not have an option to age receivables by a specific date.  We will wait to hear feedback on whether a canned report needs to be created.  NOTE: The AR Aging report does not, by default, include negative (credit) billing amounts (Classic does) so if the reports aren't balancing, please enter 'credit' to the status parameters in the Configure Filters tab and re-run the report.
ARCVBLAccounts Receivable ReportRun both reports and compare and balance.  
