The report lists account history for payrolls that fall within the selected date range and match other selected report criteria.
The default Report Title name is Account History Report. The text file name can be changed. **Required Field**
Select the Report Format
PDF (download)
Comma Separated Values (CSV)
The Sort By field offers the following choices: **Required Field**
Employee Number
Employee Name
Account Code
Period Ending Date'
Position Number
Check Distribution
Check 'Include Subtotal by Selected Sort Options? if wanting to include a subtotal by your sort option selected
Check 'Include Page Break by Selected Sort Options? if wanting to have a page break by your sort option selected
Check ' Include Archived Employees? to show archived employees on the report
Uncheck 'Exclude Voided Payments? if wanting to include voided payments on the report. Default is checked
Period Ending Date From: Report accounts for payrolls that have a pay date that is after this date
Period Ending Date To: Report accounts for payrolls that have a pay date that is before this date
Pay Date From: Report accounts for payrolls that have a pay date that is before this date
Pay Date To: Report accounts for payrolls that have a pay date that is after this date
Select Pay Groups to be included? (Leave empty to select all Pay Groups)
Select Individual Employees? (Leave empty to select all Employees) To remove from grid, select the employee and click on
Account Selection For account wild card selection, a % can be used to represent any number of characters. If you do not want to filter on a given account dimension, it can be left blank and the filtering will occur for just the dimensions entered. If more than 1 account filter is used, they are treated as an OR operation. Click on
to add more Wildcard Account selections. Click on to remove an account from the selection.Once selection options have been selected, click on