Follow the record layout from the ODE EMIS Guide for the order of the fields to be used in the CSV load file. The fields that ODE has removed for FY10 and beyond; record number, record status and format indicator, need to be omitted from the CSV records. The fiscal year and reporting period fields along with any filler areas should also be omitted on all record types. Do not include a header row, include actual data records only.
CI,222222,NW1234567,09/15/1977,W,M,3,120,N,186.5,.5,0,5,5,OH1234567,,”John”,”A.”,”Doe”,,0 CI,222222,NW7654321,08/22/1965,B,F,2,0,*,210,3,0,0,0,ZX1234567,””,”L’Vonne”,”S.”,”Hoops”,,0 CI,222222,NW4444444,07/23/1971,A,M,3,120,N,188,0,0,6,6,OH7654321,,”David”,”Hank”,”Good”,”Jr.”,0
Alpha fields which may contain a comma must be enclosed in quotes. Refer to the example above of the employee name field on the Staff Demographic record.
FA,333333,NW7654321,GX,10,M,2008/03,STR,11,NO,*,355 FA,333333,NG1234567,GY,**,43FA,2012/01,**,**,*,231 FA,333333,HG1234567,SA,12,ENG,6/23/2017,STR,12,**,*,220 FA,333333,HG1234567,GA,8,ELA,5/2017,ALT,8,Y2,*,402 FA,333333,HG1234567,GA,3,M,4/1/2017,ALT,3,Y2,*,273
Date fields must have the “/” in place in order for the record to import properly. For YYYYMMDD date fields, the date may be either MM/DD/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD in the CSV file. For YYYYMM date fields, the date may be either MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM. In the case of a blank (null) date, the date cell may be left blank or it may be filled with zeroes (ie. 00/00/0000). There is one exception to this rule for dates, the YYYYMM date fields on the GG record need to be formatted as YYYYMM (no slash) or ******.
FA records - Test Date
Beginning FY17, the test date for assessments has been changed to a full eight character date rather than just month and year. The day is only required in cases where the same assessment is offered more than once during a month. This is currently true for ACT and SAT tests. The FA record may be imported into EMISFFE using either MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY formats. In the case where day is not supplied, it will be defaulted to '01'. The FA CSV example above shows various formats that may be used for importing into EMISFFE.
FW records
ODE supplies a flat file thru the data collector to be used for import the FW data. However, if a district so desires, they may create their own CSV import file for this data. In order for the FW record to import in CSV format, each row must include a comma after the cell that represents 'Other Followup Status' (position 163 in the flat file record layout).
FW,222222,KQ1234567,First,,Last,Y,N,N,A0,123456,******,000111,Y,OT,UN,U,U,U,U,N,U,N,TC,A,N,Y,Y,U, FW,222222,LE7654321,Firstname,Middle,Last,Y,N,N,M3,123456,******,111000,N,05,20,N,N,N,N,N,U,N,CR,A,N,N,N,D, FW,222222,FF1234567,Name,,Lastname,Y,N,N,L0,123456,******,******,Y,12,UN,U,U,U,U,N,A,Y,TC,A,N,Y,Y,U,
Financial records
Financial (QC) Records must include the following elements that are the KEY to the records, these elements will always be the first six columns of any QC record:
The values, except for QC010 which will always be QC, will differ depending upon the type of financial account being represented. Refer to the EMIS Guide to determine the appropriate values for the key elements for the particular schedule being entered. The 'Miscellaneous Financial Records' section of the Current EMIS Guide includes a table titled 'Schedules' which provides information on the valid values for elements QC050-QC080.
Decimal numerics need to include the decimal place. Any negative value must include a leading sign.
QC,333333,ZAZ,2,1,FAD,ABCDE,Race to the Top,506,9320,123456.55,111111.11 QC,333333,ZAZ,32,1,FAD,56705,Title 1,572,0000,4321.44,3212.33 QC,333333,ZAZ,20,1,FAD,TR123,School Improvement,537,0000,7654321.11,5432121.22 QC,333333,ZAZ,30,1,FAD,EFGHI,Sample Grant,545,9055,123456.33,-123.22
QC,333333,AAE,1,1,CSH,001,0000,,General Fund,G,123456.12,16566.66,12981.22,312344.67,24455.73,52222.55 QC,333333,AAE,1,1,CSH,003,0000,,Perm Improvement,C,54645.55,345353.55,345252.66,45456.44,245624.33,0
QC,333333,AAL,1,1,EXP,001,0000,1100,111,000000,001,00,000,5432112.32,2342244.33,3423423.22,2342.67, QC,333333,AAL,1,1,EXP,300,9500,4550,490,000000,003,23,000,0,15000.00,2342.33,344.33,
Five Year Forecast (QF)
There is a special Import option from the main menu for Importing a CSV file containing Five Year Forecast data. Please refer to the Five Year Forecast page for further details.
CSV Invalid format error, this error will occur when the CSV layout does not match the Chapter 5 layout minus the filler, fiscal year and reporting period fields.
CN file, ODE has deleted element CN240 replacing it with filler. This update is not reflected in Chapter 5. If this element is included in a CSV import file, the user will receive the CSV invalid format error. This element should be omitted from the CN CSV file.
GG File, the identification dates for the Gifted record need to be formatted as YYYYMM, without the slash, or ******.
- Negative numbers, must be formatted with a minus ( - ) sign. Negative values that are represented using parenthesis rather than a minus sign will cause an error during the import.