Staff and Course (L) Collection Checklist


  • There are three Report to EMIS flags that determine how information is being reported.

    • Employee>General>Report to EMIS.

    • Position>EMIS Related Information>Reportable to EMIS.

    • Compensation>State Reporting>Reportable to EMIS.

  • Any information entered in the Position record in the Contract Amount, Contract Work Days, Hours in a Day, FTE will be reported are considered override fields.  Any information entered in these fields will be what is reported. 

  • By default, Archived records are not included in the EMIS collection.

  • There is not a PERDET report or USPSEMX option in the Redesign. Once the collection is processed, reference the Level One reports for any errors that may have occurred. 

Initial Staff and Course Collection (L)

1.____ Update the EMIS Configuration Fiscal Year.  Please note:  Many ITC's update this for their districts.  Please check with your ITC to verify who's responsible for updating the EMIS Configuration Fiscal Year.

  • Go to System>Configuration>EMIS Reporting Configuration. 

  • Enter the fiscal year

  • Click Save.     

2.____ Archive all prior year compensations using Mass Change option in Contract Compensations or Non Contract Compensations. This will archive the old contracts and prevent them from being included in the EMIS collection.

  • Filter using Compensation Stop Date or Description to pull in all Compensations for prior fiscal year into the grid.

  • Using Mass Change select the Archived Employee definition.

    • This definition can be imported by clicking here or from the Redesign Shared Reports or Mass Change Definitions. 

  • Select Execution Mode.

  • Click Submit Mass Change.

3.____ Clear long term illness information from the last fiscal year.

  • Clear manually.

    • Go to Core>Employee.

    • Filter for any employees that have a value in the Long Term Illness field,

      • Click More and under State Reporting click Long Term Illness.

      • Filter the Long Term Illness field entering >0.00 in the filter field.

    • Click the Edit icon and clear the value in the Long Term Illness field

    • Click Save.

    • Move to the next employee in the list and repeat the steps above.

  • Clear using Mass Change. 

    • Go to Core>Employee.

    • Filter for any employees that have a value in the Long Term Illness field,

      • Click More and under State Reporting click Long Term Illness.

      • Filter the Long-Term Illness field entering >0.00 in the filter field.  

    • Click Mass Change.

    • Select Execution Mode.

    • Under Load Definition, select Clear EMIS Long Term Illness.

    • Click Submit Mass Change.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

4.____ Incrementing the Employee>Total Experience, Authorized Experience, and Principal Experience fields.  Keep in mind, employees hired in the new fiscal year should not receive a year of experience until the next fiscal year.

  • Use Mass Change to update both Authorized Experience and Total Experience fields.

    • Download the Mass Change definition:  Increment

      • Go to Core>Employee.

      • Filter the grid to include only those records you are wishing to update.

        • Go to Advance Query and choose termination date and Operation=IS_NULL.

        • Click Apply Query.

        • Then filter the data by Last Paid Date > MM/DD/YYYY, Total Experience >0.00 and Authorized Experience >0.00 on the grid to pull all employees you wish to increment Authorized and Total Experience years for.

      • Click Mass Change.

      • Select Import Definition.  Browse locate the Increment file on your computer.

      • Select Execution Mode.

      • Under Load Definition, select Increment Experience.

      • Click Submit Mass Change. 

  • Use Mass Change to update only the Total Experience field.

    • Download the Mass Change definition:  Increment Total  

      • Go to Core>Employee.

      • Filter the grid to include only those records you are wishing to update.

        • Go to Advance Query and choose termination date and Operation=IS_NULL.

        • Click Apply Query.

        • Then filter the data by Total Experience >0.00 and Last Paid Date > MM/DD/YYY.

      • Click Mass Change.

      • Select Import Definition.  Browse locate the Increment Increment Total file on your computer.

      • Select Execution Mode.

      • Under Load Definition, select Increment Total Experience.

      • Click Submit Mass Change. 


  • Use Utilities>Mass Load to update both Authorized Experience and Total Experience fields.

    • Create load file.

      • Go to Core>Employee. 

      • From the Employee grid, click More and add the following to the Employee grid:

        • Number

        • Last Name

        • First Name

        • Authorized Experience

        • Total Experience

        • Terminated Date

      •  Go to the Advance Query.  Choose Termination Date and Operation=IS_NULL.  Click Apply Query.

      •  Remove the Termination Date from the grid or it can be removed from your file later.

      •  Click Reports.

        •  Format = Excel-FieldNames

        •  Report Name = Employee Report. Can be changed if desired.

      •  Click Generate Report.

      •  Save the report to your computer.

    • Open and update the load file. 

      • Using a formula in Excel you can update the years of experience by one.

      •  If you did not already do so, remove any Termination Date records then remove the Termination Date column from the file.

    •  Save the file in CSV format.

    • Load the file using Utilities>Mass Load. 

      • USPS Load File = Browse your computer to locate your file.

      • Importable Entities = Employee

      •  Click Load.

  • Manually update the Principal Experience field.

5.____  Update the Employee>State Reporting>Degree Type and Semester Hours for any current employees with changes for this fiscal year.

6.____ Clear any prior fiscal year information or update the information for the new fiscal year in the Position>EMIS Related Information fields.  

  • Use the Position grid and filter by the following >0 to clear the EMIS related fields.

    • Full Time Equivalence

    • Contract Amount

    • Contract Work Days

    • Hours In the Day


  • Use Utilities>Mass Load to clear the EMIS related fields.

    • Create load file.

      • Go to Core>Position. 

      • From the Position grid, click More and add the following to the Employee grid:

        • Number

        • Pos #

        • Full Time Equivalence

        • Contract Amount

        • Contract Work Days

        • Hours In the Day

      • Filter on the columns above for values >0.

      •  Click Reports.

        •  Format = Excel-FieldNames

        •  Report Name = Position Report. Can be changed if desired.

      •  Click Generate Report.

      •  Save the report to your computer.

    • Open and update the load file. 

    •  Save the file in CSV format.

    • Load the file using Utilities>Mass Load. 

      • USPS Load File = Browse your computer to locate your file.

      • Importable Entities = Position

      •  Click Load.

7.____ Any employee that was reported with a Position>Separation Date and Separation Reason in the Final L reporting period can be Archived. 

8.____ If an employee left over the summer months or was not reported as separated in the prior fiscal year,  enter a Position>Separation Date and Separation Reason.  This record will need to be reported to EMIS for the entire Fiscal Year and the employee should be archived until the Final L reporting has taken place for the fiscal year.

9.____ Update employees that are no longer employed in the district or in specific positions.

  • Change Position>Separation Reason and Separation Date fields.

    • The Position Status should remain C - Continuing if the employee had attendance days in the fiscal year. 

    • The Position Status should be changed to U- No longer employed by district in this position if they did not have attendance during the fiscal year.

  • Employees reported with a Separation Reason and Separation Date will need to be reported to EMIS for the entire Fiscal Year and the employee should not be archived until the Final L reporting has taken place for the fiscal year.

10. ____  Verify any new employees that need to be reported for the new fiscal year have the following:  

  • Check the Employee>Report to EMIS checkbox.

  • Check the Position>Reportable to EMIS checkbox.

  • Check the Compensation>Reportable to EMIS checkbox.

    • For every Position being reported, make sure there is a corresponding Compensation record.

  • Verify the Credential ID is entered on the Employee>Credential ID field.

  • Enter the Employee>State Reporting>Education Level, Semester Hours, Total Experience, Authorized Experience, Principal Experience (if applicable). 

  • Verify the following information is entered on the Position record:

    • Position Code

    • Assignment Area

    • Funding Source Code 1

    • Percent 

    • FTE (or in the EMIS Related Information>Full Time Equivalence)

11.____ Import the EMIS Demographic Data Report to the Reports>Report Manager or create a report from the Employee grid to verify Employee Demographic (CI) elements that will be included from the Employee records when the SIF data collection is processed. To find all the DEW EMIS reportable Staff Demographic elements please refer to the DEW EMIS Manual>Staff Demographic Record Chapter. 

  • Verify:

    • Identification- Number, SSN, Credential ID     

    • Name-Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix   

    • Dates- Birth Date, Last Paid Date, Termination Date         

    • General- Gender, Report to EMIS

    • Experience- Authorized Experience, Principal Experience, Total Experience                     

    • Race- Primary Race, American Indian Alaska Native, Asian, Black, Hispanic Latino Option, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, White

    • State Reporting- ECE Qualification, Degree Type, Non-Certificate Employer ID, Semester Hours            

 12. ____  Import the following Position Reports to the Reports>Report Manager or create a report from the Position grid to verify Staff Employment (CK) elements that will be included from the Position records when the SIF data collection is processed. To find all the DEW EMIS reportable Staff Employment elements please refer to the DEW EMIS Manual>Staff Employment Record Chapter. 

  • EMIS Active Position Report-

    • Verify:             

      • Position #, Position Description, Job Status, Extended Service, FTE.

      • EMIS Related Information - Reportable to EMIS, Position Code, State Reporting Appointment Type, Position Type, Position Status, Special Education FTE, Low Grade, Separation Reason, Paraprofessional, High Grade, Separation Date, Paraprofessional Hire Date, Building IRN.

      • Funding Source - Assignment Area, Funding Source Code 1, Percent 1, Funding Source Code 2, Percent 2, Funding Source 3, Percent 3.

  • EMIS Inactive Position Report - After creating the report, any records with a Termination date before current fiscal year can be removed. 

    • Verify:             

      • Position #, Position Description, Job Status, Termination Date, Stop Date.

      • EMIS Related Information - Reportable to EMIS, Position Code, State Reporting Appointment Type, Position Type, Position Status, Special Education FTE, Low Grade, Separation Reason, Paraprofessional, High Grade, Separation Date, Paraprofessional Hire Date, Building IRN.

      • Funding Source - Assignment Area, Funding Source Code 1, Percent 1, Funding Source Code 2, Percent 2, Funding Source 3, Percent 


13. ____ Import the following Compensation Reports to the Reports>Report Manager or create a report from the Compensation grid to verify Staff Employment (CK) elements that will be included from the Compensation records when the SIF data collection is processed. To find all the DEW EMIS reportable Staff Employment elements please refer to the DEWW EMIS Manual>Staff Employment Record Chapter. 

  •   EMIS Active Contract Compensation Report  -

    • Verify:

      • Compensation -  Type, Unit Amount, Contract Work Days, Hours in Day.

      • Date Range- Compensation Start Date, Compensation Stop Date

      • State Reporting- Reportable to EMIS

      • Position- Position #, Position Description, Job Status

      • Contract- Contact Amount, Pays in Contract     

  • EMIS Active Non Contract Compensation Report        

    • Verify:

      • Compensation -  Type, Unit Amount, Contract Work Days, Hours in Day.

      • Date Range- Compensation Start Date, Compensation Stop Date

      • State Reporting- Reportable to EMIS

      • Position- Position #, Position Description, Job Status

  • EMIS Inactive Non Contract Compensation Report 

    • Compensation - Type, Pay Unit, Unit Amount, Hours in Day

    • Date Range - Compensation Start Date, Compensation Stop Date

    • State Reporting - Reportable to EMIS

14.____ Run Employee and Position Reports as many times as needed until they are error free.  ITC's can use the Debugging EMIS Report Errors to assist their districts.

  • Generate the Reports>EMIS Reports>Employee Report.

  • Generate the Reports>EMIS Reports>Position Report.

15.____ Run the EMIS Staff Report to check the information that will be submitted in the Data Collector.


    • To download the report definition and add it to your Report Manager follow the steps below:

      • Click here or from Public Shared USPS Reports Library, download the EMIS Staff Report report definition.  

      • Go to Reports>Report Manager, select Import Report.

        • Locate the EMIS Staff Report report definition.

        • Enter a report name, description, and tag (if desired).

        • Click Save.

      • Generate the report in multiple ways until all information that will be reported is accurate.

16.____ Report any EMIS Contractor(CC) or EMIS Contracted Service (CJ) records.

  • Go to Core>EMIS Entry.

  • Click Create or the Edit icon to create and update any records.

  • Click Save.

  • When ready, select the Extract option found within each tab to download the CC and/or CJ file to your computer.

  • Upload the file(s) to the Data Collector.

17.____ Run the Initial Staff and Course Collection in Data Collector. 

Final Staff and Course Collection (L)

  1. ____  Make sure any new hires since the initial reporting period have been marked to be report to EMIS.

    • Check the 'EMIS Reportable' checkbox on their Employee, Position, and Compensation records.  This may include multiple Positions/Compensations.

    • Make sure Credential IDs are entered on the Employee screen in "Credential ID" field.

    • Update Education Level and Semester Hours (if applicable) on the Employee screen.

    • Enter any prior years of experience in the appropriate Experience fields on the Employee record.

    • Other areas to update may include:

      • Position Code in Position screen.

      • Assignment Area, Funding Source Code 1, and Percent in Position screen.

      • FTE on Position screen (or may use EMIS Override FTE on Position screen if needed).

  2. ____ Report any EMIS Contractor(CC) or EMIS Contracted Service (CJ) records.

    • Go to Core>EMIS Entry.

    • Click Create or the Edit icon to create and update any records.

    • Click Save.

    • When ready, select the Extract option found within each tab to download the CC and/or CJ file to your computer.

    • Upload the file(s) to the Data Collector.

  3. ____  Add Long Term Illness Days.  Long Term Illness Days are Illness days that meet or exceed 15 consecutive days.

    • Go to Employee>Long Term Illness.

    • Verify:

      • Identification- Number, SSN, Credential ID     

      • Name-Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix   

      • Dates- Birth Date, Last Paid Date, Termination Date         

      • General- Gender, Report to EMIS

      • Experience- Authorized Experience, Principal Experience, Total Experience                     

      • Race- Primary Race, American Indian Alaska Native, Asian, Black, Hispanic Latino Option, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, White

      • State Reporting- ECE Qualification, Degree Type, Non-Certificate Employer ID, Semester Hours  ____ Import the EMIS Demographic Data Report to the Reports>Report Manager or create a report from the Employee grid to verify Employee Demographic (CI) elements that will be included from the Employee records when the SIF data collection is processed. To find all the DEW EMIS reportable Staff Demographic elements please refer to the DEW EMIS Manual>Staff Demographic Record Chapter. 

  4. ____ Import or run the EMIS Demographic Data Report to the Reports>Report Manager or create a report from the Employee grid to verify Employee Demographic (CI) elements that will be included from the Employee records when the SIF data collection is processed. To find all the DEW EMIS reportable Staff Demographic elements please refer to the DEW EMIS Manual>Staff Demographic Record Chapter. 

    • Verify:

      • Identification- Number, SSN, Credential ID     

      • Name-Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Suffix   

      • Dates- Birth Date, Last Paid Date, Termination Date         

      • General- Gender, Report to EMIS

      • Experience- Authorized Experience, Principal Experience, Total Experience                     

      • Race- Primary Race, American Indian Alaska Native, Asian, Black, Hispanic Latino Option, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, White

      • State Reporting- ECE Qualification, Degree Type, Non-Certificate Employer ID, Semester Hours   

  5. ____ Import or run the following Position Reports to the Reports>Report Manager or create a report from the Position grid to verify Staff Employment (CK) elements that will be included from the Position records when the SIF data collection is processed. To find all the DEW EMIS reportable Staff Employment elements please refer to the DEW EMIS Manual>Staff Employment Record Chapter. 

    • EMIS Active Position Report-

      • Verify:             

        • Position #, Position Description, Job Status, Extended Service, FTE.

        • EMIS Related Information - Reportable to EMIS, Position Code, State Reporting Appointment Type, Position Type, Position Status, Special Education FTE, Low Grade, Separation Reason, Paraprofessional, High Grade, Separation Date, Paraprofessional Hire Date, Building IRN.

        • Funding Source - Assignment Area, Funding Source Code 1, Percent 1, Funding Source Code 2, Percent 2, Funding Source 3, Percent 3.

    • EMIS Inactive Position Report - After creating the report, any records with a Termination date before current fiscal year can be removed. 

      • Verify:             

        • Position #, Position Description, Job Status, Termination Date, Stop Date.

        • EMIS Related Information - Reportable to EMIS, Position Code, State Reporting Appointment Type, Position Type, Position Status, Special Education FTE, Low Grade, Separation Reason, Paraprofessional, High Grade, Separation Date, Paraprofessional Hire Date, Building IRN.

        • Funding Source - Assignment Area, Funding Source Code 1, Percent 1, Funding Source Code 2, Percent 2, Funding Source 3, Percent 

  6. ____  Import or run the following Compensation Reports to the Reports>Report Manager or create a report from the Compensation grid to verify Staff Employment (CK) elements that will be included from the Compensation records when the SIF data collection is processed. To find all the DEW EMIS reportable Staff Employment elements please refer to the DEWW EMIS Manual>Staff Employment Record Chapter.  

    •   EMIS Active Contract Compensation Report  -

      • Verify:

        • Compensation -  Type, Unit Amount, Contract Work Days, Hours in Day.

        • Date Range- Compensation Start Date, Compensation Stop Date

        • State Reporting- Reportable to EMIS

        • Position- Position #, Position Description, Job Status

        • Contract- Contact Amount, Pays in Contract     

    • EMIS Active Non Contract Compensation Report        

      • Verify:

        • Compensation -  Type, Unit Amount, Contract Work Days, Hours in Day.

        • Date Range- Compensation Start Date, Compensation Stop Date

        • State Reporting- Reportable to EMIS

        • Position- Position #, Position Description, Job Status

    • EMIS Inactive Non Contract Compensation Report 

      • Compensation - Type, Pay Unit, Unit Amount, Hours in Day

      • Date Range - Compensation Start Date, Compensation Stop Date

      • State Reporting - Reportable to EMIS

  7. ____  Run Employee and Position Reports as many times as needed until they are error free.  ITC's can use the Debugging EMIS Report Errors to assist their districts.

    • Generate the Reports>EMIS Reports>Employee Report.

    • Generate the Reports>EMIS Reports>Position Report.

  8. ____  Run the EMIS Staff Report to check the information that will be submitted in the Data Collector.


      • To download the report definition and add it to your Report Manager follow the steps below:

        • Click here or from Public Shared USPS Reports Library, download the EMIS Staff Report report definition.  

        • Go to Reports>Report Manager, select Import Report.

          • Locate the EMIS Staff Report report definition.

          • Enter a report name, description, and tag (if desired).

          • Click Save.

        • Generate the report in multiple ways until all information that will be reported is accurate.

  9. ____  Verify all absence and attendance information.

  10. ____  Verify all supplemental Compensations have the Report to EMIS checkboxes marked on the Employee, Position, and Compensation records.

  11. ____  Run the Final Staff and Course Collection in Data Collector.