Users with Timesheet Manager access maintain escalated approvals, automatic period generation, periods, shifts and timesheet holidays. Before a user can create a timesheet, both a period and a shift must be created

Role: Users with Timesheet Manager, District Manager or Admin roles.

Timesheet Escalated Approval

The Timesheet Escalated Approval grid will display submitted timesheets waiting for approval. The user will be able to singularly or mass approve submitted timesheets directly, bypassing the workflow approval.


View an Escalated Timesheet

If you prefer to view the details of a timesheet before approving it, click on image-20240509-210708.png It will open a window containing their timesheet details. Options to Edit, Reject or Approve it are displayed at the bottom of the screen.

Automatic Period Generator

This option may be used if your district prefers timesheet periods be created automatically. You also have the option to automatically create timesheets for specified positions. Fields denoted with a bullet image-20240827-013823.png to the right of the field name are required fields. Once the generator is enabled, it will create the timesheet period(s) and the periods will be displayed in the Period grid and (if positions are included), it will automatically create timesheets for the selected positions, and those will be displayed under the Timesheets grid.

Creating Automatic Timesheet Periods


Automatic Period Generator Grid

You may create multiple automatic period generators jobs as long as the timesheets periods defined in the job do not coincide with existing timesheet periods. All automatic periods generator jobs are displayed in the grid. The actual timesheet period(s) created are displayed in the Period grid.


Automatic Period Generator Example


This option may be used if your district prefers timesheet period(s) be created manually (instead of via the automatic period generator). You may create multiple timesheet periods manually as long as the timesheets periods specified are inclusive of one another. Fields denoted with a bullet image-20240827-013823.png to the right of the field name are required fields. Once the timesheet period(s) are generated, they will be displayed in the Period grid.

Create a Period


Click image-20240828-195717.pngto create a new timesheet period

Click image-20240828-195850.png to save the timesheet period. The period will be open by default and will remain open until it is closed manually or automatically.

Period Grid

Periods created either manually or via the automatic period generator will be displayed in the Period grid.




Before a timesheet employee can create a timesheet, a shift must be created for their position. You may create a single shift for multiple positions.

Create a Shift


After a position has been assigned a shift, when a user creates a timesheet for that position, all shift data will be prefilled for that user’s timesheet.

Shift Grid


Flexible Shift

If a shift is created and the flexible shift flag is enabled, the start/ending time and hours worked fields are disabled. Enter the break time (i.e. 0.5 for half hour), select the positions and click Create.


When the employee creates their timesheet, and selects the position associated with the flexible shift, the start time and end time will be blank on each line item. Once both the start and end times are entered, the hours worked field will be automatically calculated. Timesheet can be saved if some of the line items have blank start/end times, however, the timesheet cannot be submitted until all times are filled in.


Timesheet Holidays

Timesheet holidays consist of a period of time or specific date where timesheets are typically restricted due to a holiday.

Create a Timesheet Holiday

From Timesheet Manager,

  1. Click ‘Create’

  2. Provide a label for the timesheet holiday.

  3. Check the notify managers if you want to send an email to Timesheet Managers if a timesheet is requested during the holiday date range.

  4. Check ‘Enabled’ to activate the holiday.

  5. Check ‘Entire Day’ if it applies to the entire day or leave unchecked to select a start/ending time

  6. Select start and end dates for your holiday period.

  7. If specific timesheet types should be included in the holiday, select all that apply. Leave empty to select all activity types.

  8. You can filter by employee and their position. (or leave blank to include all positions for an employee).

  9. If specific employees aren’t selected, you can filter by Pay Group and/or Department Codes.

  10. Click ‘Create’ to save your holiday or ‘Cancel' to exit without saving changes.

When a user creates their timesheet, if a holiday is inclusive of the timesheet period, it will automatically denote the holiday item on the timesheet.


Timesheet Holiday Grid Options

The Timesheet Holiday grid allows the user to filter holiday information by entering their search query in the filter row.
