ODJFS Report Overview

In order for a district to be able to create and submit their own ODJFS file, they first need to update CONFIGURATION/ODJFS Configuration.  Click here for instructions.

For the SOURCE website, please click here

When submitting your file in SOURCE, select the ICESA as the File Type:

If the ODJFS Reportable box was not checked on the Employee Screen before the employee was paid, an adjustment will need to be made in order for them to be included on the report.  Using the CORE/Adjustments, add the ODJFS Total Gross and ODJFS Weeks.

The ODJFS Report  program generates a report of the number of weeks worked, wages, and ODJFS taxable wages for each employee for the quarter. This information is required for unemployment wages reporting. Run this program as part of the quarter end processing procedure. This report should be run first and the information verified before a submission file is created.

This program is used by the System Manager to generate the ODJFS Form JFS 66117, Transmitter Report of Magnetic Media. This report along with the ODJFS magnetic media is forwarded to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services on or before the 28th day of the month following the end of the quarter being processed.

The files created by districts using the ODJFS Report program are named ODJFS.YYQ#, where YY refers to the last two digits of the reporting year and Q# refers to the quarter number being processed. For example the file for the First quarter of the 2018 reporting year would be called ODJFS.18Q1.

The ODJFS taxable wage base is $9,000.00 beginning 2020 to current.

Report uses Legal Name on Employee screen, if entered.  If no Legal Name is entered, it uses the Name fields.

Creating an ODJFS Report for ITC's to submit

How to correct an employee's QTD ODJFS Wages and # of Weeks

Verify employee wages and weeks. If corrections are needed, go to CORE/ADJUSTMENT and use the Type ODJFS Total Gross to correct the employee's QTD ODJFS Wages and YTD Taxable Wages and ODJFS Weeks to correct the # of Weeks.  Once corrected, run ODJFS Report again. 

Once all data has been verified, click on  to create the ODJFS Submission File to be uploaded to ERIC

Example of Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Quarterly Wage Report

Example of ODJFSxxQx for ITC's to submit file for districts

District creating and submitting own ODJFS Submission File

If district is submitting own submission file, enter in information and click on . When submitting through the SOURCE, you will want to choose ICESA source option.

Enter in the required fields:

Example of ODJFSxxQx.TXT file for Districts to submit

How ODJFS calculates Weeks for Reporting 

The job calendars for employees which correspond to the calendar date range of the quarter are entered into blank working calendars. Blank working calendars are used internally by the system and cannot be viewed. The Attendance transaction types AT or AB for the same date range are marked on working calendars appropriately for each day. The calendars are "modified" inside the program to reflect the days from the calendars plus days from Attendance. So you can think of Attendance records as modifying the calendars on a per employee (or job) basis.

After the working calendars are built, the system counts the weeks for the quarter and that is the total unadjusted qualifying weeks.

A qualifying week is any week in which an employee has worked at least part of a day. For ODJFS purposes, a week is counted if the Saturday following it falls within the reporting quarter. The maximum number of weeks for any quarter is the number of Saturdays contained within it. This maximum may vary for each quarter of the year.

How system calculates weeks:

ODJFS Report looks at the Calendar Start Date located in Compensations under Historical Context.

A Calendar Stop Date needs to be entered once the employee is no longer employed.

ODJFS Report does NOT look at the Archive status of an employee.

It starts with the quarter date range
Finds the first saturday of the quarter
Then sets the Start Date = the preceding sunday of the first saturday of month.

To find the stop date, it uses the last saturday of the month of the stop date of the quarter.

Example 1st Quarter 2019 - 01/01/2019 03/31/19 - the programming range is starting at 12/30/2019 - 03/30/19 to find the count of weeks.

Once it has the date range then it find the odjfs days from calendars and attendance and all docks. It loops through them all and adds the week of the year to a list checking for duplicates, so we don't count the weeks twice. Then it adds any ODJFS Weeks adjustment journals. That is how it gets the total.

The system then locates any adjustment transactions from CORE/ADJUSTMENT (ODJFS Weeks) for the quarter for ODJFS. Adjustment transactions entered can be considered manual adjustments to what the system would calculate. Note that "manual adjustment" transactions are picked up based on the reporting quarter. Any adjustment dated within the quarter will be applied. The manual adjustment records are a bit different than attendance day entries because they are not for specific weeks. In this case, you are just adjusting the total qualifying weeks for the quarter. The adjustments (if any) are added to or subtracted from the total unadjusted qualifying weeks. These are the total qualifying weeks that will appear on ODJFS Report.

If there was a make up day for the calamity day the employee would get credit at that time.

Type of DayFromCounts toward ODJFS?
Work DayJob CalendarYes


Job CalendarYes
Calamity DayJob CalendarYes
Make-Up DayJob CalendarYes
AttendanceAttendance ScreenYes
SubstitutingAttendance ScreenYes
Dock UnitsAttendance ScreenNot if it is a full dock day

Number of weeks - this is determined by searching the calendar and any potential Attendance entries for the employee using the date range consisting of the first day of the quarter to the last day of the quarter. If it finds a workday in the week it counts the week. Note this count is not checking that the employee was paid in the quarter just that they had a workday in the quarter. This is why if you add an ODJFS reportable employee after running the report for the quarter and they have workdays in that quarter, re-running the report results in a different count of employees. 

Paid in month x... - to get this we first determine if the ODJFS reportable employee was paid in the quarter. This is done by searching the history to find the payrolls the employee was in that have pay dates in the quarter. We then use the period beginning and ending dates of the payrolls to determine if a payroll they were paid in included the 12th of the given month. If it did then they are flagged as being paid in that month.  Also, check Pay Group date ranges, these can be different for different Pay Groups.  check Payroll Reports.

The QTD Gross Wages total field is the total of in state (Ohio) employee wages only.  This field will be blank if it is an Out-of-State employee.

The QTD ODJFS Wages - we get this by searching the history for pay dates that fall in the reporting quarter.

The YTD Taxable Wages is a calculated value based on the YTD wages for ODJFS purposes.  **NOTE**If the district is a contributing employer, they are charged a fee.  If an employee has reached $9,000.00 in wages on the year, the contributing employer no longer has to pay the fee that is associated with ODJFS. Therefore the 0 in the YTD Taxable column would be correct.

The Total employees paid 12th of Month 1, 2, 3 looks at what the current 'ODJFS Reportable' flag is set at for the employee's paid during those months.  If this flag was changed during those months, this would affect the count and make a difference on what was reported on the Pay Report for the Total ODFJS Count between the two reports. An Audit Report can be ran to determine if flag was changed.  Also, looks to include an employee if their ' number of weeks' is greater than 0 or their 'QTD ODJFS wages' is greater than zero.

Deceased Employees

Deceased Employees wages are to be reported to ODFJS.  This amount will not be listed under QTD Wages but only under QTD ODJFS Wages on the report.  QTD ODJFS Wages is the amount that is reported on the submission file to ODJFS.

Warning Messages

No compensation to calculate hours in a day for potential partial dock absence for employee number XXXXXXXXX, activity date:  Tue Mar 01 00:00:00 EST 2005, unit: Daily, length: 1

1-Go to the employees dashboard
2-Clicked on Attendance
3-Filter for Dock
4-Click the Edit button. (No changes need to be made) and then click Save on each dock in the XXXXX quarter for 2021
5-Re-run ODJFS Report and the Warnings should be gone.

Number of weeks for ODJFS exceeds the maximum possible number of weeks for the quarter (13).  Maximum number of weeks for quarter will be reported to ODJFS.

ODJFS Report Video

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Xl-jf0KmrII" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>