Purchase Order

A document authorizing a seller to deliver goods, with payment to be made at a later date. Monies are encumbered when a purchase order is created.

Fields on the Purchase Order Record:

Purchase Order Number -  the number assigned to each purchase order. Purchase order numbers must be numeric and can contain up to seven digits. The PO number will be automatically assigned to the next available number on file unless you override the auto assign by entering a desired purchase order number.

Vendor Number - the vendor the goods or services are being ordered from.

Purchase Order Date -  the purchase order date. The date automatically defaults to the current system date.

Terms - optional field for any special terms for the purchase order.

Deliver By Date - the date the goods/services will be delivered by. 

Deliver To Vendor - The deliver to vendor is optional for specifying specific address information for where the goods or services are to be delivered to.

Deliver To - the address for which the goods or services are to be delivered.

PO Summary - optional field that may be used to enter a description of the entire purchase order. This will only appear on reports and will not be printed on the purchase order.

Purchase Order Description - optional field that may be used for any special instructions, detail, or description associated with the purchase order as a whole. Anything entered in this field will print above the item information for the first item on the purchase order.

Attention - the individual's name the goods or services are being ordered for.

Transmission Status - USAS supports outside purchasing systems containing requisition approval workflows. A flag in USACON must be set if the district wants to use requisition approvals. Once the requisition is approved and converted to a PO, a "transmission status" is added to the PO (not visible to the user) so that the outside purchasing system can tell USAS whether the PO was already transmitted to the vendor

Fields on the Purchase Order line item record:

Quantity -the desired number of a particular good/service to be ordered.

Units - the type of unit that is being ordered (i.e. box, carton, etc.).

Price - the dollar amount per unit for the good/service being ordered. Enter the dollars, decimal point, and cents only. Do not enter the dollar sign or any commas in the price field.

Description -  description for the item that is being ordered.

XREF - if your district utilizes XREF (Cross Reference) codes for the account codes, the XREF code associated with the account code to be charged may be entered.

Account Code - the account code to be charged for the item being ordered.

Creating New Purchase Orders

  1. From the Transaction menu select 'Purchase Orders'
  2. Click on 'Create' (hyperlink)
  3. Enter in desired information into the purchase order
    1. click on the blue plus sign to add line items, please refer to the Icon (hyperlink) chapter for more information on the web applications icons.
    2. if it is desired to charge an item to multiple accounts (hyperlink to multiple accounts) click on the price or qty icon.
  4. Click on Validate (hyperlink)
  5. Click on Post (hyperlink) to post the purchase order to the system, click on Cancel to not post the purchase order and return to the Purchase Order Query, click on Save Draft to save the purchase order outside of the system for later use.

Charging an item to Multiple Accounts

USASWEB/Purchase Order will allow one item to be charged to more than one account. The line item will be divided, displaying the separate account codes on the screen; however, the line item will be combined into a single item on the printed purchase order
There are two ways of combining items:

The collapse button  rolls all of the split items up into the first account code, so you only see one account code, which is how the requisition will look when printed. The first account code entered is called the "combined item" meaning the line item the rest of items are being rolled up into when collapsed. The line items underneath the combined line item are called "split items."

When a split price or quantity is collapsed it will show an "S" in the # field to represent split items, and when it is expanded it will show all of the lines with its own item number.

Query Purchase Orders

Will this look like the user query when released (basic, advanced, expert) or as it appears now?

The purchase order query allows you to search for existing purchase orders. Please refer to the Query (hyperlink) chapter for information on how to query a record.

Update existing Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders that are currently at a status of New may be updated through the USASWeb application. Please refer to the Edit/update/modify (hyperlink) chapter for information on how to update/edit/modify a record.

Cloning Purchase Orders

The clone function may be used to copy all of the information from an existing purchase order into a new purchase order while allowing changes to be made. Please refer to Clone( hyperlink) for more information  on how to clone a record.

Deleting Purchase Orders

Deleting a purchase order is dependent on how the flag 'Allow purchase order deletion?' is set in USASDAT/USACON.

The delete function may be used to delete any purchase order that is currently at a status of New or Future. Please refer to Delete (hyperlink) for more information on how to delete a record.