Click here for general advice and step by step guide that describes how to migrate from SSDT Classic Software to the Redesign.
The following links are intended for ITC Fiscal Support staff to share implementation or training checklists, guides or materials their ITC has created for the Redesign software.
Online manuals available for the end user for both USAS-R and USPS-R. The manuals include online videos as well as an appendix at the end of each manual with quick-step processing guides.
The Fiscal Software Knowledge Base contains helpful articles on various topics related to the Redesign.
The wiki link below contains technical documentation for ITC's and others providing hosting and support for USxS Redesign deployments.
SSDT has recorded various modules in the Redesign software which are available in the User Manual on-line documentation. We have also recorded several webinars from our 'Fridays with Fiscal' weekly segment with ITC Fiscal Support staff.
SSDT Newsletters:
Monthly newsletter on the Redesign emailed out to ITCs and School Treasurers throughout the state.
The wiki link below contains USAS-R and USPS-R training materials including powerpoint presentation and training exercises