Employee Self Service 1.2.0 Release Notes

Release Date

May 20, 2024

Build Date

05-20-2024 10:09:15 AM



USPS Version Required

USPS 2024.10.0+

Workflows Version Required

Workflows 1.1.0+



This release of Employee Self Service contains bug fixes, improvements and new features. See important highlights below.

Important - This version of Employee Self Service requires USPS 2024.10.0 and Workflows 1.1.0. Make sure these applications have been updated.

Important highlights from this release

Bug Fixes

  • Correct Kiosk Leave workflow loader to handle lower case headers

  • Handle error when workflows process instance not found while updating groups and chains

  • Correct labels for Leave Request Create Dialog for hourly leave


  • Kiosk Workflows Loader - Handle Group Chain by Position

  • Kiosk Loaders - trim whitespace

  • Kiosk Loaders - improve message layout for results grid

  • Organization - improve validation on IRN property

  • Leave Request Form - reorder tabs

  • Password Expired Configuration - improve descriptions

  • Hide unimplemented or removed features from ESS Functionality Configuration

New Features

  • Add AESOP Configuration and Kiosk Importer

  • Add Kiosk District Loader

  • Add Kiosk Leave Type Configuration Loader

  • Internal

    • AESOP database tables for multiple template extracts