Employee Self Service 1.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date

Jun 5, 2024

Build Date

06-05-2024 10:26:23 AM



USPS Version Required

USPS 2024.11.0+

Workflows Version Required

Workflows 1.1.0+



This release of Employee Self Service contains bug fixes, improvements and new features. See important highlights below.

Important - This version of Employee Self Service requires USPS 2024.11.0 and Workflows 1.1.0. Make sure these applications have been updated.

Important highlights from this release

Bug Fixes

  • Spring Security

    • Spring Security auto configuring a database authentication provider and allowing local access when it should be restricted

    • Handle multiple Windows active directory configurations


  • Application Version endpoint - Add org name and id

  • User - add a new property to track if a user should be synced to AESOP

  • User Mass Load / Kiosk User Loader - import AESOP flag

  • Position Details - move compensation level properties to compensation grid and remove the EMIS overrides that were displayed on the Position

  • Timesheet

    • Configuration - add a new option to require a reason when overtime is included in the timesheet

    • Add grid totals for timesheet line items

    • Position selection moved to Timesheet form

New Features

  • Exported Leave History - Add new grid to revert, view, and re-export leave requests

  • Allow posting of Data Change Request to USPS

  • New role to access Metrics API

  • Internal

    • AESOP Data Service to pull and convert XML data

    • Cache Compensation data