Employee Self Service 2024.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date

Jul 5, 2024

Build Date




USPS Version Required

USPS 2024.12.0+

Workflows Version Required

Workflows 1.2.0+



This release of Employee Self Service contains bug fixes, improvements and new features. See important highlights below.

Important - This version of Employee Self Service requires USPS 2024.12.0 and Workflows 1.2.0. Make sure these applications have been updated.

Important highlights from this release

Bug Fixes

  • Updating the Automatic Period Generators does not correctly recalculate all periods

  • Automatically Generated Periods are not selectable when creating a timesheet

  • Approver edits to timesheets incorrectly restarts the workflow

  • Supervisor option in timesheet groups prevents workflows from starting in some cases

  • Rejected timesheets cannot be submitted to a new workflow

  • Creating line items is not defaulting start / end times from Shift

  • Timesheet line items can be duplicated

  • Timesheet workflow email using the wrong configuration settings

  • Group Chains can bypass workflow check and be deleted

  • Note is not stored on audit during escalated approval / rejection


  • AESOP Import Absence and Update Data display absence instance id property from AESOP

  • AESOP Import - handle new absence instance id property

  • Hide Period closed flag when not in read only mode

  • Allow opting out of timesheet emails

  • Periods should be closable/reopenable from the grid

  • Move Timesheet position select box

  • Don’t allow duplicate timesheets per position per period

  • Limit Timesheet deletion

New Features

  • AESOP Integration

    • Add tasklets to sync Absences from AESOP

    • Add AESOP Data Import View to show all data that is imported from AESOP

    • Add Job to Sync Employee Data with AESOP

    • Add Service to sync Leave Balance data with AESOP

    • Add new AESOP Sync View to show status of the different sync jobs

  • Add Quartz schedulers to ESS

  • Automatically create Timesheets and line items after generating periods