Employee Self Service 2024.1.1 Release Notes

Release Date

Jul 21, 2024

Build Date

07-21-2024 09:06:43 PM


Getting issues...

USPS Version Required

USPS 2024.12.0+

Workflows Version Required

Workflows 1.2.0+



This release of Employee Self Service contains a bug fixes. See important highlights below.

Important - This version of Employee Self Service requires USPS 2024.12.0 and Workflows 1.2.0. Make sure these applications have been updated.

Important highlights from this release

Bug Fixes

  • Kiosk User Loader - correct permission loading

  • Kiosk District Loader

    • Correct conditional for Leave Time Configuration to set No Restrictions when a blank value is found in the CSV file

    • Remove conditional for type and unit on Leave Balance configuration