WEB-GAAP Contact Information

Web-GAAP auditor questions should be directed to Cy Wilson via email at cawilson@ohioauditor.gov or via phone at 740-534-6423.

For Web-GAAP system functionality type questions please contact the GAAP Team via email at gaap@mcoecn.org or via phone at 614-840-9810, press option 2 for a department listing, option 6 for SSDT and then option 3 for the Web-GAAP Team.

Web-GAAP URL: https://gasb34sys.auditor.state.oh.us/gaap

The preferred method for Web-GAAP related requests is to email gaap@mcoecn.org.

Snail mail address:

c/o Web-GAAP Team

209 Nolan Parkway

Archbold, Ohio 43502

Please Note: fax are no longer being accepted as our staff are all currently working from home due to COVID-19.