2024-02-27 Timesheets Focus Group


Feb 27, 2024


  • @Marc Davis

  • @Justin Kleinknecht

  • @Matt Calmes

  • @Pat Zelei

  • @Mary Adams

  • @Andrea Boehm

  • @Lori Nye

  • @Michelle Drewes

  • Andrea Snyder

  • Darrin Hammock

  • @Tonya Chase

  • @Brian Stidham


  • Discuss the goals of the user focus group and clearly define initial project scope.

  • Create initial Timesheet Model.

Discussion items

  • Timesheet Modeling

    • Timesheet

      • Period Start / Stop dates

      • Employee

    • Timesheet Line Item

      • Date

      • Start Time

      • End Time

      • Position

      • Account

      • Unit Amount

      • Daily or Hourly

      • User Notes / description

    • Will Timesheets need to combine Leave Requests and Attendance line items?

      • If so, a category and type property will need to be added to the line items

    • What other information needs to be captured on a timesheet?

    • Rules

      • Timesheet Invariants (what must always be true) Business Invariant

        • A Position must exist

        • A period stop date must be after a start date

        • Can there be multiple entries for 1 day?

          • if so, they must total less than 24 hours

        • Timesheet Items must fall between Period start / stop dates.

    • Are Periods to be configured by a Timesheet Manager or entered by a user?

  • Feature Requests from the group

    • Discuss possible features and write User stories.

  • Items from the floor?

  • When should we meet next?

    • Open to frequency. The more time between meetings, the better chance there will be features to demo.

User Stories

  • ()

Action items

 Schedule the next meeting for ??