2024-04-02 Timesheets Focus Group


Apr 2, 2024


  • @Marc Davis

  • @Justin Kleinknecht

  • @Andy Hoiles

  • @Matt Calmes

  • @Pat Zelei

  • @Mary Adams

  • @Andrea Boehm

  • @Lori Nye

  • @Michelle Drewes

  • Darrin Hammock

  • @Tonya Chase

  • @Brian Stidham

  • @Greg Buddelmeyer

  • @Brianna Kern

  • @Vickie Browning Prowitt

  • @Andrew Sanford


  • Demo and discuss Timesheet and Period

  • Discuss timesheet improvements and new features

Discussion items

  • Period Modeling

    • Automatic Period Generation

      • Allow a timesheet manager to mass enter periods in some way

    • Period Selection - How far back should periods be displayed?

  • Timesheet Modeling - anything missing from the User entry view?

    • Unit Amount / Daily or Hours options?

    • Account information?

    • Is type / category a requirement?

  • Leave Requests need to flow into the timesheet line item

    • Plan to include Leave Requests (in-progress and approved) but not include them in the extract

    • Leave requests will be processed with the leave extract / posting

  • Users will be able to set start and end times for their positions in the User Profile

  • Timesheet start / end times will need to have a configurable increment

  • Workflows

    • Will the Leave Request Groups / Group Chain modeling work for Timesheets?

    • Admin / Manager / Approvers will have the ability to edit a timesheet

      • When editing, audit trail will be updated and notification will be sent to the end user (in-app notification not implemented yet)

    • Admin / Manager / Approvers will have the ability to set account information on a timesheet

  • Items from the floor?

  • Schedule next meeting.

Action items

 Schedule the next meeting for April 16 @ 10:30am