2020-05-20 USPS-R New Issue Review and Prioritization

Prioritization Items to Discuss

  1. HSA's and Outstanding Payables

  2. Leave Balance Reporting for ineligible Positions

  3. Items from the floor?

    1. EMIS Reporting 

      1. Update on the final EMIS outstanding issue from the roadmap

    2. Vaadin Migration

      1. Will grid preferences still work?

        1. Grid preferences will be created for all new grids

        2. If we can map the original to the new we will

      2. Will advance queries still work?

        1. The advance query component may not be included in new grids from the beginning

        2. Will be available in the 'Mass Change View' as we migrate the views

      3. How will mass change work if properties change?

        1. Mass change will become it's own view

        2. The plan is to move the old grids to this view and have the user select the Grid Type they want to view / edit / mass change

        3. Once the migration is completed we can discuss a new mass change option

      4. How will grid reporting work?

        1. Grid reports will still be available

        2. May not be a robust as the current option

        3. The current Grid Report component will be available in the Mass Change View

Feedback Issues Created 

Core Project Issues Created

Core Project Issues Completed

Feedback Issues Created 

Core Project Issues Created

Core Project Issues Completed

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Most Requested Feedback Issues

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Feedback Issues Created 

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