05-27-2020 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article

      • Last Meeting Suggestions:

        • Sorting and shortcuts in grids (filter row).. we decided not to do this anytime soon …add it periodically, giving them examples.. sort and shortcut tips in a DYK

        • Configuration options - Payroll Items Configuration... Selecting the right payee (feature article) for when?

        • Side Blurb: USASR- Periodic menu related to FYE

        • Transfers/Advances - June article?

        • Mapping - Decided to make it an August article... "It's still there whether you like it or not" lol!

        • Payroll Calculation... lot of discussion

          • things you didn't do in Classic that are now of importance in the Redesign

          • It's handled differently in Redesign and things that user should be aware of when paying people in Redesign

        • Review suggested topics for June, July and August

      • Topics for today's meeting....Suggestions for June, July and August newsletters 

        • USASR: Advances - June article? Discuss linking classic repays to their original advance and repaying an outstanding advance

        • USASR: Closing POs the correct way.  June article...sidebar article with links to FAQs

        • USASR: Mass-add accounts - June article?  Example of grant accounts and also using stop dates (vs inactive) for grant accounts you no longer want to process again.  What's difference between stop date and inactive

        • USASR: AR Update - July or August article? - we have volunteers for beta version (releasing 6/15) with a production release set for 8/3

        • USPSR: Configuration options - Payroll Items Configuration... Selecting the right payee... feature article for which month?

        • USPSR: Payroll Calculation - June article?.. what exactly do you want explained

        • USPSR: How Max Amounts Work - July or August article?

        • USXSR: Wave Update - July article

        • USXSR: Searching in documentation - July or August Side blurb.. how to search for something specific in the documentation

        • Side bar on the SSSC Committee with a link to a listing of committee member

      • Other suggestions?


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • Last Meeting Suggestions:

      • Implement 'connecting the dots scenarios' page...if this happens, here is what is affects...

        • I.e. when completing job calendars, this is what it impacts.  So if you are getting an error, did you have a a work day created for the day you are reporting?

        • Give us examples?

      • USPS-R struggling with errors on reports.. can we document the errors and how to easily identify them...

        • Give us examples?

    • Additional Suggestions for the documentation manuals


  • Merging Report Working Group with SDT Working Group - SSSC Committee unanimously voted in favor of this

    • The reports working group has finalized the initial reports along with some additional reports on both the USAS-R & USPS-R Public Reports sites.

    • Dee continues to monitor Service Desk tickets.  If a report is requested and could be used by many, she will first touch base with SSDT to determine if this should be added as a SSDT report

    • If decision is made to add it to public reports site, Dee is requesting we include two “off Steering Committee members” Larry Lifer, and Sharon Lawley in the SDT group meetings for the reports purpose.

    • Should we check into a list of reports for Auditors or do we need them now that we have Report Bundles in place?


  • ITCs: Adding additional Fridays with Fiscal sessions through June 2020; received feedback from evaluations (more USPS-R than USAS-R)

  • Based on some of the feedback, SSDT plans on holding an Intermediate training (webinar) this Fall.... likely October or early November..

  • Due to COVID-19, we are holding off any regional training until next year

  • OEDSA - current plan... holding it September (9-11).  Next Board meeting is June 5th.

Next SDRT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, July 29th at 9:30.