03-31-2021 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article

      • April

        • USPS: New Contracts and possible EMIS entry area

        • USAS: AR Highlights and Inventory status update

        • USAS: Different options for closing POs

      • Topic suggestions for May and June newsletters?

        • May: Feature article on voiding and unvoiding payroll checks in USPS and how to post in USAS

        • May: ODE launched a new site for the Five Year Forecast Data Display. http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Finance-and-Funding/Five-Year-Forecasts

        • Mass inactivate accounts via Mass Load

        • Mass Load Future Pay amounts (6.37 - USPSR-5292)

        • Load (import) Receipts and Purchase Orders (8.18) via CSV file

    • Social Media

      • Twitter account set up.. start posting next month


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • FYE related info you'd like to see added?

    • Cleaned up SSDT YouTube Channel


  • 2021 ITC training in full swing

  • Beginning Overview sessions recorded and posted on YouTube

  • SSDT has pre-recorded session "Optimizing Business Practices with State Software Redesign" for OASBO Annual Conference

  • Provide pre-recorded session for ITC support staff on JIRA/Service Desk?  How to use JIRA to search for issues.  Creating filters in Service Desk.. querying existing tickets

Next SDRT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 26th at 9:30.