03-31-2021 SDT Meeting
Communication Efforts
Redesign Newsletter Article
USPS: New Contracts and possible EMIS entry area
USAS: AR Highlights and Inventory status update
USAS: Different options for closing POs
Topic suggestions for May and June newsletters?
May: Feature article on voiding and unvoiding payroll checks in USPS and how to post in USAS
May: ODE launched a new site for the Five Year Forecast Data Display. http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Finance-and-Funding/Five-Year-Forecasts
Mass inactivate accounts via Mass Load
Mass Load Future Pay amounts (6.37 - USPSR-5292)
Load (import) Receipts and Purchase Orders (8.18) via CSV file
Social Media
Twitter account set up.. start posting next month
Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints
FYE related info you'd like to see added?
Cleaned up SSDT YouTube Channel
2021 ITC training in full swing
Beginning Overview sessions recorded and posted on YouTube
SSDT has pre-recorded session "Optimizing Business Practices with State Software Redesign" for OASBO Annual Conference
Provide pre-recorded session for ITC support staff on JIRA/Service Desk? How to use JIRA to search for issues. Creating filters in Service Desk.. querying existing tickets
Next SDRT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 26th at 9:30.