07-29-2020 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article

      • Last Meeting Suggestions:

        • USASR: Advances - June article? Discuss linking classic repays to their original advance and repaying an outstanding advance - going to delay this article.. too many issues with it lately

        • USASR: Closing POs the correct way.  June article...sidebar article with links to FAQs - 

        • USASR: Mass-add accounts - July article  Example of grant accounts and also using stop dates (vs inactive) for grant accounts you no longer want to process again.  What's difference between stop date and inactive

        • USASR: AR Update - July article - we have volunteers for beta version (releasing 6/15) with a production release set for 8/3

        • USPSR: Configuration options - Payroll Items Configuration... Selecting the right payee... July

        • USPSR: Payroll Calculation - feature August article

          • things you didn't do in Classic that are now of importance in Redesign

          • things that are handled differently in Redesign user should be aware of when paying people

          • 3 basic scenarios.

            • enabling basic straight out employee

            • partial pickup on pickup

            • full pick up on retirement/medicare

        • USPSR: How Max Amounts Work - June

        • USXSR: Wave Update - July article

        • USXSR: Searching in documentation - August Side blurb.. how to search for something specific in the documentation

        • Side bar on the SSSC Committee with a link to a listing of committee member - August

      • Topics for today's meeting....Suggestions for August, September and October newsletters

        • New look in the works.. keeping it consistent

        • Article on performance issues.. finding the right balance between performance vs enhancements.. segway into importance of SSSC - August

        • USPSR Payroll calculation - August

        • Searching in documentation - August

        • USPSR: Side blurb tip on how to Generate a pay report for an individual - when? 

        • Other USPS related articles for Fall newsletters?

        • USAS related articles for Fall newsletters?

  • Social Media

    • met with MCOECN regarding social media re-launch

    • plans to create new Facebook, instagram and twitter sites for SSDT

    • elevating the newsletter.. making sure we are reaching out to all districts


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • Last Meeting Suggestions... will work on this fall

      • Implement 'connecting the dots scenarios' page...if this happens, here is what is affects...

        • i.e. when completing job calendars, this is what it impacts.  So if you are getting an error, did you have a a work day created for the day you are reporting?

        • USPS-R FAQs.. 

      • USPS-R struggling with errors on reports.. can we document the errors and how to easily identify them...

    • YE checklists

      • Checklists are intended to be generic so that ITCs may customize them to provide additional information for their districts; download the checklist using the three little dots at the top right of the page and select one of the export options

      • Example: requesting an additional step to be added to check "if your district ..." steps (ex: step #21) to review open/non-converted requisitions in order to either convert to PO or delete before closing the FY.

      • Not all districts use Requisitions in USAS-R so we are cautious to add specific steps that may not be used by all districts to the generic checklist. 

      • Your thoughts?

    • Additional Suggestions for the documentation manuals?

    • WIKI: Future development: met with MCOECN to start discussion on enhancing the wiki


  • Last Meeting: Merged Report Working Group with SDT Working Group - SSSC Committee unanimously voted in favor of this


  • ITCs: posted additional Fridays with Fiscal sessions through August 2020; will be posting the rest of the calendar year schedule soon

  • Based on feedback from FWF sessions, SSDT will hold an Intermediate training in October for ITC staff.  

  • OEDSA - current plan... holding virtual conference September 10th and 11th.  Save the date email went out July 7th.  Fiscal track will include a few sessions from SSDT

Next SDRT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 30th at 9:30.