Newsletter Articles

SSAC SDT may use the following space to upload newsletter articles or ideas for future SSDT Newsletters.

Topics for Articles


  • NC1 Payment (side blurb) Former user (Deleted) 
  • Report Bundles (PAYROLLCD) article  
  • Deceased Employees (side blurb link) Former user (Deleted) 
  • Mass load (side blurb) for city, school, ODSI rates Former user (Deleted)    
  • Mid-Year Contract Changes Checklist article Former user (Deleted) 
  • Hand check  @Lori Miller  
  • Job Calendars - updating and running report   
  • New Contracts Checklist - side blurb link to checklist Former user (Deleted)  
  • How the "max amount" works in USPSR vs how it worked it classic. @Lori Miller    
  • DYK: Not concealed employees.. archived employees  - Andrea
  • STRS Advance Main Article - Lori  
  • Payroll Items Configuration  Former user (Deleted)
  • Payroll Calculation  Former user (Deleted)
  • How to generate a pay report for an individual - side blurb  @Lori Miller
  • Mid-Year Contract Changes   
  • Type task here, using "@" to assign user and "//" to select due date


USXS-R (Miscellaneous) 

  • Access to Reports Repository through help and how to sample reports in library and download them (side blurb or DYK)  Former user (Deleted)
  • Article: Grids explanation/sorts/shortcuts/report option 
  • Side bar or DYK - Date shortcuts
  • Side bar or DYK - Keyboard shortcuts
  • Side bar or DYK - Summary Report & Show Report Options
  • Wave 6 Update  Former user (Deleted)
  • SSSC Committee  Former user (Deleted)
  • Collecting User Feedback: Core vs FB Projects.. how is works  Former user (Deleted)
  • Search feature in documentation  

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  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document Account Filters on Reports.docx

Jan 24, 2019 by Former user