08-25-2021 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article

      • Topic suggestions for fall newsletters?

        • USAS

          • Mass inactivate accounts via Mass Load

          • Import Receipts article...DYK  building secretaries create spreadsheets and send to treasurers office

          • Budgeting. Making temporaries permanent? September

          • New Canned Reports Performance Improvements - Feature - Can put in report bundle

            • Financial Detail

            • Purchase Order Detail

            • Budget Summary Report

            • Disbursement Detail Report

            • Audit Report

          • Audit Report Bundle - hold off until next spring

          • Ability to include attachments on Reqs (mention in workflows article)

          • Side blurb about Approp Resolution Recap Report (September)

          • Side blurb on modifying and deleting refunds without checks

        • USPS

          • Archiving tips/tricks - September

          • Redesigned Payroll View

          • DYK: Warning added when saving a position with no retirement code or a retirement code of none

          • DYK: ODJFS optional header for a potential validation step of new hire submission.. Users would like to include these headers when creating the submission.

          • Hold off until next spring: Option to select Employee and Pay Group when Converting personal leave to sick leave

        • Both

          • Workflows (October); adding videos

          • Performance Improvements

        • Others?


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • Inventory Documentation


    • Public Instance for Inventory - in the works

    • Workflow Documentation - in progress

    • Questions from last meeting (after Inventory demo):


      • Will there be a way to archive disposed of assets so you don’t see them on the grid;  Created INVFB-3

      • Will there be a link to active directory like there is with USAS & USPS JIRA issue INV-194 scheduled for next inventory release (V1.1)

      • Will there be an API code used to connect USAS & Inventory?


  • Inventory Overview for ITCs took place July 30th.  It was recorded and the video has been sectioned in case you want to reference a specific part of the video.  Please refer to the Agenda for the session listed on the ITC Training and Registration page 

  • OEDSA in September - SSDT holding 4 presentations

  • Upcoming ITC FWF training


    • Intermediate Training scheduled for 10/8 (USPS), 10/15 (USAS) & 10/22 (Both)

    • Workflow Training 10/1

  • Inventory Training Modules for end-users

Next SDT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 27th at 9:30 (cancelled).