2019-07-24 USPS-R Completed Work Review

Releases Since Our Last Meeting


    • USPS-R 5.31.0 Release Notes (5/22/19)

      • Job calendars can now be archived

      • Several screens have been updated to vaadin 8 (a new version of our UI framework)

        • This particular change requires extensive testing though the UI itself should remain unchanged initially from the user's perspective.

    • USPS-R 5.31.1 Release Notes (5/28/19)

      • This hotfix corrected an issue preventing a save / update of Date Text Custom Fields that was introduced in 5.31.0

    • USPS-R 5.32.0 Release Notes (5/31/19)

      • Fixed a bug where a null Date Text custom field prevented the user from saving an Employee

      • Fixed sorting options on New Contract Report

      • Introduced new feature 'Report Bundles'

      • Fixed a rounding error in Attendance Import causing payroll accounts to be off preventing saving

      • Added Employee email and phone to SERS enrollment and annual report.

      • Introduced new feature Log Store

    • USPS-R 5.32.1 Release Notes (6/3/19)

      • This hotfix corrected an internal auditing issue due to the size of the data being stored 

    • USPS-R 5.33.0 Release Notes (6/19/19)

      • Updated the SERS Surcharge amount to match FY19

      • Report Bundle Improvements

        • Added report bundle menu item

        • Improved Report Bundle Jobs

        • Added confirm dialog when removing report runs

        • Added immediate option for scheduling report bundles

        • Allow editing of default report runs

        • Added ability to schedule report bundles based on Domain Events (i.e. Posting Period Closing)

      • Fixed bug in STRS Advance that prevented all employee's from being included

      • Fixed bug in STRS service credit calculations

      • Fixed bug in Payroll Posting that prevented pay date and historical payroll information not being updated on attendances

      • Fixed bug in New Contract Mass Copy to prevent all compensations from being copied based on job calendars or pay groups

    • USPS-R 5.33.1 Release Notes (6/25/19)

      • This hotfix fixed the following

        • Fixed rounding bug that prevented converting personal leave to pay

        • Fixed STRS AD file name

        • Fixed bug in STRS AD submission file related to phone numbers

      • Introduced Redesign Leave Projection

    • USPS-R 5.33.2 Release Notes (7/2/19)

      • This hotfix addressed a bug in STRS Advance where the wrong date was used in the submission header if the report was generated after June 30

    • USPS-R 5.34.0 Release Notes (7/12/19)

      • Fixed bug in STRS Advance over withholding when STRS items are at position level

      • Fixed bug in Adjustment Journal mass load when description was not provided by the user

      • Fixed bug in SERS new hire submission report where 'null' was added instead of spaces when an employee had no email address.

      • Fixed bug preventing Direct Deposit Status not being set properly

      • Fixed bug in New Contract Report preventing page breaking and sub totaling 

      • Created patch to add more historical references

      • Created new Account History Report that allows for much greater filtering / control breaking

      • Added new tags to Check and Direct Deposit XML files to provide print vendors Position Pay Group, Start and Stop date information

    • USPS-R 5.34.1 Release Notes (7/19/19)

      • This was a hotfix release that corrected and internal data structure issue in the SERS per pay report preventing a single district from running the SERS report / submission.

Upcoming Releases

  • USPS-R 5.35.0 (projected to be released on (7/26/2019)

    • Address issue that sometimes caused Pre-tax and Post-tax amount to be split incorrectly for SERS

      • These values will balance, but look very confusing to the users

    • Removed an old patch that caused duplicate adjustment journals on import for new districts

    • Added behind the scenes Report Bundle enhancements

  • USPS-R 5.36.0 (projected to be released on (8/9/19)

    • Bug fixes in Benefit Accrual

    • Bug fix in Current Payroll UI

    • Bug fix in USAS Integration 

    • Report Bundle Changes

    • Added read only properties to Compensation to display Pay Group info in detail view

    • Address performance issues in multiple canned reports