2021-08-25 Focus Group Items To Discuss

Demo info

  • Items grid will have a Depreciate button that will allow you to update the depreciation for any item selected in the grid.  This option allows you to run a projection that includes a report.

  • Processing splitting tags into lots.

General info

  • Release coming on Friday to include bug fixes as well as report and import improvements.

  • The SSDT along with the User Focus Group determined this would be the last regularly scheduled meeting.  As things arise that we need feedback on, SSDT will reach out to group members to set up future meetings.

What's coming next in Inventory?

  1. LDAP authentication implementation

  2. EIS CD

  3. Audit report: auditing has been implemented but the audit report is not yet available.

Items from the floor?

  1. Ran a Schedule of Change in Fixed Assets Report by fund and chose fiscal year 2021.  The report displays an as of period that shows 6/30/20 but the report looks correct.  Possible bug with "as of period", will research.

  2. Pending Items

    1. would like to see the amount, description and date added to the pending item drop down on the Create Items window

    2. pending items from PO split items, same item but charged to 2 different funds

      1. we need to research and make sure this was implemented properly.  Currently the work around would be to add the item and then go in and add the 2nd item.  Example provided was bus that was charged to two different funds when purchased.