2021-07-21 USAS-R New Issue Review and Prioritization

Prioritization Items to Discuss

  1. Status update of performance issues

    1. Released

      1. Financial Detail report - 8.22.1 hotfix; 99.98% improvement

      2. Loading of template report definitions - 8.23.0; 94-99% improvement

      3. Account Change - 8.23.1; 94.5% improvement 

      4. Budget Summary report - 8.25.0; 68% improvement

      5. PO Detail report - 8.25.0; 95% improvement

    2. Disbursement Detail report - (8.25.1); 91% improvement

    3. Payable posting - will get to as time permits

    4. Invoice processing - will get to as time permits

  2. Certification reports fiscal year selection

    1. Amended Certs are always run for the current period

    2. Certificate report run right after fy closed

    3. Summary of discussion:  There was a lot of conversation about these reports and the fiscal year selection.  Ultimately the committee decided to allow us to remove the fiscal year drop down from the Certificate reports.  SSDT will create a Revenue Summary style template report, summarized by fund, that will include the NYP amounts so that districts can easily see what their estimated revenue will be for the next fiscal year.  

      Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  3. Appropriation Summary summary report column widths

    1. work arounds: non pdf report format, modify the report to remove the % expended/encumbered column

      1. work arounds are sufficient

  4. Requisition attachments feedback - keep on radar for 2022 Roadmap

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    2. Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

  5. Items from the floor?  None

Feedback Issues Created 

Core Project Issues Created

Core Project Issues Completed

Feedback Issues Created 

Core Project Issues Created

Core Project Issues Completed

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

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type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

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Most Requested Feedback Issues

key summary type created priority status times requested

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Feedback Issues Created 

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

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