01-27-2021 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article


        • February

          • USPS: Calendars - side blurb

          • USXS: Using report parameters - feature

          • USXS: Update on what's coming on next USXS-R release - feature

          • USAS: AR billing email - side blurb

        • March


          • USPS: New Contracts

          • USAS: AR Highlights

          • USAS: Regenerating Budget Scenarios/Template Reports

          • Inventory Status Update 

      • Topic suggestions for April newsletter?

    • Social Media

      • Facebook set up complete. steady postings started this month

      • Working on Twitter account with MCOECN


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • AR Updates and balancing in documentation

    • Anything specific you'd like to see added?


  • Public Reports Library (no new additions)


  • We have completed the 2021 ITC training and registration page

  • Beginning Overview held in March (same format as last year)

  • SSDT will be presenting session at OASBO

Next SDRT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 31st at 9:30.