09-30-2020 SDT Meeting


  • Communication Efforts

    • Redesign Newsletter Article

      • Last Meeting Suggestions:

      • Suggestions for August, September and October Newsletters

      • New looks in the works.. keeping it consistent

        • Side blurb on performance enhancements Article on performance issues.. What has been accomplished this year and what is left - Octobe

        • More topics on USPS in August and September… feature articles covered payroll processing tips - September and all things USPS-R & EMIS - September

        • Article on steering committee - September

      • October newsletter:

        • feature article on current year budgeting; moving from temporaries to permanents; listing scenarios…

        • Another side blurb suggestion for October? USPS related?

          • Narratives on the USACERT options.. Quick side blurb on that

          • Five Year Forecast notes - side blurb

      • Suggestions for November and December newsletters?

        • USPS

          • Article on W2 changes - December

          • FCCRA… adjustments - December - side blurb

          • Side blurb life insurances changes over $50,000 - last year’s November feature article

          • Deceased employee documentation with W2s...

        • USAS

          • YTD taxable figures and non taxable features - December

          • 1099 NEC and self reporting

          • FYE current period changing it and the FYE report bundles

          • Side blurb on inventory - November

          • Side blurb on JIRA - November

    • 2021 Roadmap Survey


      • Jodi sent out survey to prioritization working group asking members to complete survey by 10/10 so they can have time to analyze data before the October prioriziation meeting

    • Inventory Project

      • Work started on the project a couple of weeks ago

      • Based on feedback from steering committee, we have created an Inventory Focus Group.. Meeting later today for the first time to cover the ‘must be able to’ list that was created back in 2017 when SSDT met with a group of districts/ITCs to discuss the possibility of having an inventory package in Redesign

      • Consists of 10 districts.. Great variety… 1 ITC, 7 traditional districts, 1 ESC and 1 career center; most are classic EIS users and already on Redesign

    • Social Media

      • Going to work with Sprout Social.. basically a one stop shop for social media platforms

      • Starting with Facebook & Twitter

      • SSDT will have a new business Facebook page.. Working out details with MC on new banner, logo and creating hash tags #SSDTOhio, etc.

      • Our next meeting we will finalize our new FB page and start to work on Twitter account. After that, posting messages via Sprout which will send them out on both platforms


  • Best Practices/Tips, Tricks and Helpful Hints

    • Last Meeting Suggestions..

    • As time permits this fall/winter, will work on USPS-R FAQs and connecting the dots scenarios discussed at prior meetings

      • Implement 'connecting the dots scenarios' page...if this happens, here is what is affects…
        i.e. when completing job calendars, this is what it impacts. So if you are getting an error, did you have a a work day created for the day you are reporting?

      • USPS-R struggling with errors on reports.. document the errors and how to easily identify them…

      • Creating a supplemental list… things you could do ahead of time.. Preliminary checklist…. At top of all checklists, we will add note.. Please check with your itc as to whether they have their own checklist


  • Periodically adding reports to Public Reports Library (newest addition is new inventory extract report that includes check number).


  • ITCs: posted additional Fridays with Fiscal sessions through December 2020 and all registration links have been added

  • SSDT’s intermediate sessions will be held on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Fridays of October . (USPS, USAS and USXS)  We will be adding an agenda for each session on the registration page

Next SDRT Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 25th at 9:30.