2019-03-20 USAS Completed Work Review

Releases Since Our Last Meeting (02-20-2019)

  • USAS-R 7.16.1-16 Hotfix (2/24/2019)

    • Performance improvements were made to retrieving the disbursement amount.  Users should notice an overall improvement with regard to disbursements.

    • Corrected a problem related to the Job Scheduler, the view was not displaying the jobs and existing jobs failed to execute.  This problem was related to a tool upgrade we made recently and has been corrected.

    • The RAM extract was updated to include the charge detail number instead of the item's line number.  RAM requires each item to be unique and split items were using the same item number which caused a problem.

    • The written amount of the check has been added to the XML file for printing.  Districts using ABM reported the written amount was missing; this was not a problem with Edge software.  The value can be found in the tag <writtenAmount>.

    • The Requisition Detail report was updated to correct a problem with a user parameter.  The report would fail to generate because the wrong operation was selected for a between query.

    • Internal tests revealed a problem with unordered posting periods being returned to the account change service.  Methods were updated to return the list of posting periods in chronological order.

  • USAS-R 7.16.2-1 Hotfix (2/25/2019)

    • This hotfix corrects a problem with the previous hotfix that changed the order things were happening in the startup sequence specific to the job scheduler. 

  • USAS-R 7.16.3-5 Hotfix (2/27/2019)

    • A performance improvement to the retrieval of vendors.  This should speed up viewing and posting transactions. 

    • Recent updates to subject codes for FY 2019.

    • Corrected a problem with inaccurate amounts displaying in account warnings when posting pending transactions.

    • Corrected a problem introduced in the 7.16.1 hotfix that neglected to update the disbursement header amount after the items were imported.  This problem only impacted any district that was imported on or after Feb 25.  If you did import a district during that 3 day window (2/25 - 2/27), you will NOT need to re-import.  This correction will update the amount on the disbursement header.

  • USAS-R 7.17.0-12 Release Notes (1/28/2019)

    • Improvements have been made to reconciling disbursements.  This change improved the overall performance of disbursements as well.

    • Corrected a problem with printing multivendor POs in XML format.

    • Improved performance of closing popup windows.

    • Implemented the ability to import monthly and fiscal cd archives from Classic.

    • Vendor ledgers are being posted for prior calendar year voided disbursements.  Previously the ledger entry was removed when the disbursement was void.  Now void ledgers will be posted using the void date.  This will keep calendar year amounts from being changed, while accurately updating FYTD amounts.

    • Corrected the requisition approval status to display correctly.

    • Activity ledgers are now being generated for advance repay transactions.  This means they will now be included on the Financial Detail reports and Activity Ledger grid.

    • Remaining invoiceable has been removed from the PO header and item area, but is still reportable.

    • Corrected the posting of Disbursements to specify the item order, previously this was determined by how the items were selected in the Payable grid.

    • Corrected problem with mass loading accounts with regard to xref codes.

    • The tax id and type have been restricted to the USAS_PRIVACY_TAXID permission to prevent those without the permission from seeing it.  However, users without the permissions could still see this information on reports.  We are working on a way to suppress the fields on reports as well.

    • The asOfPeriod parameter has been added to various template reports to allow the user to generate a report as of a specific period without having to change the current posting period.  

    • Corrected an error with the new hire report if the begin date is not populated on the vendor and the user did not select to calculate the begin date.

Upcoming Scheduled Releases

  • USAS-R 7.17.1-10 Hotfix (today)

    • Corrects the 7.010 and 7.020 amounts on the Five Year Forecast.  Previously the current year cash amounts were not included in the initial cash figure.

    • Corrects a problem printing from Legacy Requisitions.

    • Improved the PO import to store more data from Classic with regard to the state of the PO when the data was extracted.  This allows us to make Classic authoritative with regard to closed POs.  If a PO was closed in Classic it will import as closed in the Redesign and will not be able to be reopened.

  • USAS-R 7.18.0 Release Scheduled Issues (anticipated 3/22/19)

    • Implementing an account search popup similar to usasweb to allow users to see balance information when searching for accounts

    • Improvements to the Disbursement UI, including creation and grid loading

    • Correct a bug in proration utility that is currently requiring the user to apply an account filter

    • Add an options page to reports

    • State Treasurer's Online Checkbook extract

    • Create an optional rule to provide a warning to the user if the invoice amount exceeds the remaining amount

    • Further improvements to the Financial Detail report to make it look more like Classic's FINDET

    • Correct advance repay accounts

    • Implement mass add capabilities for accounts