WBL Tax Credit Document

WBL Tax Credit Document

When the 'Work Based Learning (WBL) Tax Credit Documentation' option is selected from the Records drop down, users must first enter in a student's name or SSID and click 'Find'.  A list of students matching the criteria entered will be displayed below the Find box.  The user will select a student who has eligible courses for WBL certification.  Eligible courses are those with a Curriculum Code starting with a "V" plus the same course is CTE 26 approved for the selected school year.  The summary listing may be refined by using various query options.  By clicking on the SSID, last name or first name the WBL documentation generation process is started and the student is assigned a unique 10 digit ID and the student courses page will then display.  Scanning the displayed QR code will take you to the same URL listed on the page.


To find a student who has qualifying courses, first select the correct school district and school year.  While the WBL certification is for a tax credit based on tax year, the student course information is based on school year.  Select the appropriate school year for the student and course.

Then use the find fields to query for the student. You may enter a value in just a single field or use a combination of the find fields.  The available fields to find a student are last name, first name and State Student ID (SSID). 


After clicking on Find, the query results will be shown in a summary listing grid below the Find box. 


From the summary listing of matching students with qualifying courses, select the desired student by clicking on one of the hyperlinks:  SSID, Last Name or First Name.   This will take you to the selected Student Course page to complete the process of generating a certificate. 

Selected Student/Course

The student course page contains the information about the selected student, including the unique 10 digit document ID.  A listing of the student's WBL eligible courses display.  Below the course display is a selection form in which a related Career Tech Pathway will have to be selected.  The options included in the Career Tech Pathway drop down are dependent on the subject code found on the course selected.   The "Return to Select a Student" button will take the user back to the selection summary page.  Please note that if you return to the selection summary page and chose the same student again, a new document will be generated with a different unique 10 digit ID for the same student.


The "Local CTE Program Name" is a required field and must be filled in before clicking the "Next" button.  Once the input criteria has been entered or selected, click the "Next" button.  After the "Next" button has been clicked on once that button is eliminated and an "Edit Information" and "Complete Documentation" button appear.  You have the option to edit the input criteria at this point. Once the "Complete Documentation" button is clicked this finishes the WBL document for this student and unique ID combination.  At this stage, if changes are needed to a prior created document, users will have to go back to the select student page and another document will be generated with a different unique 10 digit ID for the same student.

When the "Complete Documentation" button is clicked the "Edit Information" and "Complete Documentation" buttons are eliminated and a "Generate WBL Documentation" button will appear.


Clicking the "Generate WBL Documentation" button will generate a PDF document, downloaded by your browser.  The document will be named with this type format  "Lastname_Firstname_10digitDocumentID_YYYYMMDD(generated date).pdf".  This document will have to be signed accordingly.  Scanning the displayed QR code will take you to the same URL listed on the report.



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