SCR Module

SCR Module

 The Student Cross Reference (SCR) module is to be used by all EMIS reporting entities as means to verify enrollment for funding.

Users can gain access to the SCR module within ODDEX by using the SCR link on the navigation bar or by clicking on one of the blue hyperlinks within the landing page.  See Landing Page for details on its use. 

If a user account has access to more than one district, select the district from the drop down in the navigation bar. For historical purposes, districts that are closed may be listed in the drop down.

Users will want to select the year of the data they wish to view from the drop down in the navigation bar.

Within SCR, districts will see records for students they have submitted data for.  When conflicts are determined, any district linked to the conflict will also be able to see the student even if the district did not submit any data for the student.  The ability to view these students may be removed when the conflicts are resolved. 

When data is submitted to SCR and that data is loaded for viewing, rules will be run against the data checking for enrollment conflicts. If any conflicts are found, these are recorded and districts are notified on their Landing Page.  As new data is submitted, for conflicts identified and then resolved, the records may move to new columns on the landing page.

Each of these menu options are described in detail from their own pages.

Management of FL records

During processing, the Student Summer Withdrawal (FL) record updates prior year enrollment records to include a withdrawal date and reason.    The FL record as defined for EMIS purposes, is submitted for a student that withdrew from the reporting district over the summer months. 

If a district submits an FL record in the current school year for a student, the application looks for a prior school year enrollment record for the same student, within the same reporting district and applies the withdrawal information to that prior year record.  The withdrawal date and reason placed on the prior year record is the data as submitted on the current year FL record. 

The SCR processing will not include the FL record in the current school year.

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